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Q: Which heart structure is not functioning properly if an electrical device is needed to stimulate the atria to contract?
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What does a doctor do if the pacemaker is not functioning?

If your pacemakers are not functioning correctly, then a doctor will often use a defibrillator to shock them back into normal usage. Your pacemakers send electrical pulses to your cardiac muscles signaling them when it is time to contract. When these pacemakers (cells) are not functioning correctly, then the doctor will use the defibrillator to change their electrical currents, this way the pacemaker cells are fixed.

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How does electricity help therapy?

Very low strength electrical currents applied through the skin stimulate muscles and make them contract, helping paralyzed or weakened muscles respond again.

What is A neuron that can cause muscles to contract?

Efferent motor neurons stimulate muscle contractions.

What cells stimulate both atria to contract?

Nodal or pacemaker cells.

Does structure contract or expand?

If a structure is made of a flimsy type of material, it may cause the structure to contract or expand. Bridges are a type of structure that may expand or contract depending on the weather environment the bridge is in.

What hormone is given to pregnant women to stimulate her uterus to contract and begin labor?

B oxytocin

Why the electrical cable contract during cold weather?

the electrical cable become tight

What allows structers to expand or contract?

The flexibility of the materials used to build a structure may play a role in whether a structure can expand or contract. If a structure is in water and develops rust, that can also interfere with the integrity of the structure.

Do structure exspand or contract?

Structures that have been exposed to adverse weather conditions may damage a structure. The damages to a structure may cause it to expand or contract, which may be because of the materials used to build the structure.

Do structure expand or contract?

There are many ways that a structure may behave over time. Structures may expand or contract depending on the materials used to make the structure, or the weather conditions a structure has been exposed to over time.

What type of nerve stimulates muscle cells to contract?

Somatic type of nerves stimulate the muscle cells to contract.