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  • Ezeani, priest of the Earth Goddess Ani, comes to visit Okonkwo to educate and shame him for breaking the week of peace, demanding restitution.
  • Ogbuefi Ezeudu visits Okonkwo to warn him of Ikemefuna's impending death, warning him to not take part.
  • Guests at Akueke's wedding come to visit Okonkwo to pay him respect; Okonkwo gives them two cocks as a gift.
  • Obierika, Okonkwo's friend, comes to visit Okonkwo during his exile in Mbanta several times.
  • Mr Brown tries to visit Okonkwo after Nwoye's conversion, but is threatened with death should he return.

You could also say Chielo came to visit Okonkwo's compound, but that was to converse with her daughter Ezinma.

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Q: Who comes to visit Okonkwo?
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During the second year of exile, Okonkwo's friend Obierika came to visit him. Obierika came to inform Okonkwo about the destruction of their village, Abame, by a white man's messenger. He also brought news about the hardships faced by the clan due to the presence of missionaries in their land.

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*Okonkwo *Ezinma *Things Also, Chielo comes for Ezinma. Chielo is constantly being "possesed," and she says Agbala wants to see Ezinma.

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Obierika proves himself to be a good friend to Okonkwo in this chapter by visiting him in exile, bringing him money from the sale of Okonkwo's yams, and offering him support and encouragement during his time of need. He shows loyalty and empathy towards Okonkwo, demonstrating the strength of their friendship.

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Who was coming to visit Obierika the same day after Okonkwo has arrived at his obi?

Almost all of Obierika's visitors fall under these circumstances. Okonkwo arrives at his obi every day, excluding the days that he does not leave his obi.

What are some quotes that show okonkwo is a man?

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