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Because its important

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Q: Why art and architecture are considered as important element in the development of civilization?
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Why is architecture considered as important element in the development of civilization?

Architecture is the house that we live in, the office that we go to everyday, our schools, our community, all of these are created by Architecture. It improves and change human lifestyle. It makes us create communities, spaces to interact and to experience a new world within the confines of a structure. Architecture is an art form that influences us everyday. i wrote this for my socials homework aman

Of the following,which is not considered a key to civilization a. Written language b. Domestication c. Music d. Social hierarchy e. specialization?

c. Music

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Why do people visit the roman colosseum?

It is considered an example of the style of public buildings, and reflects on activities in that civilization. Roman civilization formed an important part of European development. [Laws, theatre, poetry etc]

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The ability to record events - written and not oral.

What are important long term contributions of ancient Greek civilization?

Literature, language, writing, art, architecture.

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Advances in science and mathematics

What is the single most important factor leading to the development of civilization?

The development of language, first verbal then written.

Why did the development of Hammurabi's Code an important landmark in the growth of civilization?

The code helped civilization be more like it is today.

Which development was an important contribution of Muslim culture to civilization?

# advances in sciences and mathematics

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geography does mean it location too

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