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it takes any where from a 3 weeks to 2 months for tattoo in to completey settle into your skin. so the bubbles could just be from too much exposure to the sun, if this is your first tatt, then i could be your skin reacting to the ink. it also depends on the area. I have my ribs, both arms and both my calvs done, and i still find bumps and bubbles on some of them and i have had them for quite some time.

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Q: Why could a tattoo bubble up after it is healed?
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Only if there are gaps in the outline, or any areas that did not shade as required. Even great artists cannot predict the tattoos lines once healed. Once completely healed check it yourself and any decent tattoo artist should be happy to touch up a tattoo that has any imperfections. Just be reasonable but happy with your tattoo.

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I have the same question, and would love an answer. As a tattoo artist I would suggest not getting any tattoo work till the surgery is totally healed . The more you body has to heal up at the same time the harder it is on your system , there is also more of a chance of infection because your body is at a vulnerable state. A few month after the surgery is healed would be my suggestion

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There are a number of ways one can remove semi permanent make-up, though it really does depend what area the tattoo was done on. Semi permanent make-up will fade with time, but a tattoo removal specialist may be able to do something once the skin is healed.

Where could one find examples of bird tattoos?

Most tattoo shops have samples of their work up on the walls or in catalogs. You could also ask a tattoo artist to draw something up so you can see what a tattoo of a bird might look like.

How do i know if I'm allergic to the tattoo ink?

You know your tattoo is healed once the skin is no longer peeling and skin color returns to normal. If it is itching or has raised bumps then it is not fully healed.

Why does my tattoo still itch 2 months after i got it?

If your tattoo still itches after 2 months, it may be caused from irritation or subcutaneous skin problems from the ink. I would suggest using petroleum jelly if the scab has not healed up yet. If there is no scab, try using a triple antibiotic lotion.

Will your tattoo darken up after peeling?

On the contrary! Tattoos tend lose their glossy shine (become duller) and lighten up a bit after peeling and once it is healed. The change in color is not drastic. After time, your tattoo will gradually lighten even more, and if there is quite a bit of thick coloring, it will space, meaning small gaps in the color will be visible. Touch ups every few years are very normal for maintaining a tattoo. You won't be charged as much for touch ups as you did for your initial tattoo, and it is useful to restore the color and keep your tattoo looking brand new. Good luck!

If you come up with your own drawn tribal tattoo designs could you go to tattoo parlors and sell your designs?

No. They may be willing to use these designs but they won't buy them

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bubble but bubble bubble bubble but turn ariund stick up let me see it work