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Q: Why do S and P waves change direction when they go from crust to the mantle?
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What is the moho barrier for?

It is between the Crust and the upper mantle

What is the moho in the earths layers?

The Mohorovicic Discontinuity is the boundary between the crust and the mantle, where seismic waves change velocity.

What is Monorovicicdiscontinuity?

It is the boundary between the earth's crust and mantle, across which there is a sudden change in the velocity of seismic waves Often shortened to Moho

What happens when seismic waves move from the Earth's crust to the mantle?

Refraction Happens

What separate the crust from the mantle?

The Mohorovicic Discontinuity, generally referred to as the Moho, where seismic waves increase in velocity.

What are the waves from an earthquake known as?

it is called the solar planet sunlight traveler sic check it up in ask . com

Why do seismic waves speed up beneath the surface of continents?

Because earths crust is denser than the mantle

Do p waves travel through earths mantle?

Yes, P-waves (primary waves) can travel through the Earth's mantle. P-waves are a type of seismic wave that is capable of propagating through solid, liquid, and gaseous materials. They are the fastest seismic waves and can travel through the mantle, which is the layer between the Earth's crust and core.

Can p waves travel through the mantle?

Yes. Compressional waves (P-waves) can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. They can propagate through every layer of earth's interior. In contrast, shear waves (S-waves) can pass through solids but not liquids or gases. As they propagate toward the center of the earth they pass through the crust, refract through the crust-mantle interface, pass through the mantle, but cannot pass through the mantel-outer core interface because the outer core is liquid.

Does the Moho barrier separate the earth's crust and mantle?

Yes. It is called the Mohorovicic Discontinuity, where seismic waves increase in velocity.

How do geologists use seismic waves to learn about the Earth interior?

because the waves travel through the solid crust and simisolid mantle they help see where the epicenter from an earthquake is

What are the characteristics of earths crust mantle core?

The Mantle--The layer directly below the crust which is delineated from the crust by the Mohorovicic Discontinuity, where seismic waves increase in velocity. The division between the mantle and the crust is a chemical one, the rocks and constituent minerals being higher in magnesium and lower in silicon and aluminum than crustal rocks. The mantle comprises 84% of Earth's volume.