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We should support Earth Day because we live on this planet and need to save it for our children's children so that they will have a home too.

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Q: Why do you support Earth Day?
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What three things can i do to support earth day?

1. you can make a hot air balloon as big as you can make about earth day and shoot it in the air

When did you celebrate earth day?

On... Earth Day.

What do Arbor Day and Earth Day have in common?

Arbor Day and Earth Day celebrate the earth and bring people to plant a tree.

What are the results of earth day?

The results of Earth Day was a nice and clean Earth.

What is Earth Day in the United States not international earth day?


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What three things can i do to support earth day?

1. you can make a hot air balloon as big as you can make about earth day and shoot it in the air

Is March twenty-six Earth Day?

No; Earth Day is April 22. However, the last Saturday in March (the 26 in 2011) is the observance of "Earth Hour", when businesses and individuals commit to not using electricity for one hour to demonstrate their support for the Earth, the environmental movement, and Worldwide Fund for Nature.

When did you celebrate earth day?

On... Earth Day.

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How do you capitalize earth day and planet earth?

It should be --- Earth Day, Planet Earth.

Which is longer a day on earth or a day on Jupiter?

A day on Earth because a day on Earth is 24 hours and a day on Jupiter is 10 hours

When is Earth Day and when did Earth Day begin?

Earth day is celebrated on 22nd of April . And also equinox earth day is celebrated on march 20. People started celebrating earth day from 22nd april,1970.

What do Arbor Day and Earth Day have in common?

Arbor Day and Earth Day celebrate the earth and bring people to plant a tree.

What are the results of earth day?

The results of Earth Day was a nice and clean Earth.

Why is everyday considered earth day?

everyday is not considered earth day. on the 22nd of April it will be earth day though

What planet can support life?


What is Earth Day in the United States not international earth day?
