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During the winter solstice, the North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees away from the sun. This is the reason why the Arctic Circle does not receive any sunlight.

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Because the earth is on an axle towards the sun at the north pole in summer.

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Q: Why does the sun not set at the north pole in the summer?
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What happens when the North Pole and the South Pole are the same distance from the Sun?

You're describing an Equinox -- either March 21 or September 21.

When does the North Pole have a higher noon Sun angle than New York City?

The sun can never be higher in the sky at the north pole than it is in the sky at New York City. The highest solar elevation at the north pole is 23.5 degrees, on June 21. On the same date, the solar elevation around 1:00 PM EDT in Manhattan's Central Park is about 73 degrees.

Why is it totally dark in the South Pole when the North Pole points toward the Sun?

It is never 'totally dark' at the South Pole, but there are six months of no sunrises. During those sunrise-less months at the South Pole, the Sun shines on the Northern Hemisphere. These phenomenon are caused by the tilt of the earth as it wobbles its way through the universe.

Is the magnetic pole exactly at the north?

No. The true north pole is the northern point about which the earth spins. If you were to spin, the ball would have a north and south pole; the poles would be the 'top' and 'bottom' of the spin, which would move very little compared with the ring around the circumference of the ball halfway between the 'top' and 'bottom' or 'north' and 'south' poles (which on earth is the line of latitude we call the equator). The magnetic north pole is vaguely near the north pole, but not exactly; the true north pole lies within the arctic ocean, but the magnetic pole currently lays near Ellesmere Island in northern Canada, but is moving toward Siberia at a rate of around 35 miles per year. The true north pole marking the "top" axis about which the earth spins is relatively fixed. At the north pole, the sun rises and sets only once per year. Further, time zones are absolutely meaningless, as if one were able to stand precisely at the north pole, one would occupy every time zone, from GMT to the International Date Line, simultaneously. The only 'direction' one can travel walking any line from the true North Pole is south.

What is the definition of vertical in math?

The definition of vertical is dependent of the scale. On a small scale, it means going straight up, at right angles to the [levelled] surface of the earth at that point. Alternatively, going up the page. Because the earth is approximately spherical, the vertical direction at he equator is different from the vertical direction at the North Pole. On that scale, one could consider the line joining the South Pole to the North Pole as the vertical. But that definition fails when you consider the earth over its orbit. So you could define it in terms of the North and South poles of the sun. But the sun itself is not stationary and so on.

Related questions

What season does australia have when the sun does not set at the south pole?

When the sun is not setting at the South Pole, Australia is experiencing Summer - just like lands in the northern hemisphere experience Summer when the sun is not setting at the North Pole.

What season are you having in Australia when the sun does not set on the North Pole?

Winter. The Earth has an axis, tilted at about 23.5° from the perpendicular to Earth's orbit. When the Earth's north pole is tilted towards the Sun, the northern hemisphere is in summer while the southern hemisphere is in winter. That's the main time when the Sun doesn't set at the north pole. When the Earth's north pole is tilted away from the Sun the southern hemisphere is in summer while the northern hemisphere is in winter.

When the north pole is facing the sun is it summer or winter in the north?

When the North pole is closer to the Sun, it is summer, or more specifically between the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes, in the North. That means it is Spring or Summer.

Does the North Pole have warm summers?

In the north pole, the sun is out in the summer and its sort of warm.

When the north pole points toward the sun what season is it in the northern hemisphere?

In North America, the season when the north pole points toward the sun is Summer.

When the North Pole points toward the sun the northern hemisphere is in what season?

In North America, the season when the north pole points toward the sun is Summer.

When the North Pole points toward the sun what season is it in North America?


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When is the north pole tilted towards the sun?

During the northern summer.

When the North Pole faces the sun is that warmer temperatures?

The North Pole doesn't face the sun, but when it is nearest to facing the sun, the Tropic of Cancer is facing the sun, and it is summer in the northern half of the world.

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What season sees the north pole become land of the midnight sun?
