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Geurnica (northern Spain) was bombed by the German condor legion during the Spanish civil war. Pablo Picasso painted a famous response to this.

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Guernica is considered Picasso's greatest work for many reasons. The main reason is that it has significant symbolism that warns against the dangers of war, which is still relevant today.

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Q: Why is Guernica considered to be Piccasso's greatest work?
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How long did it take for picasso to paint Guernica?

Picasso was living in Paris when the Nazis bombed Guernica, Spain in April of 1937. This inspired him to begin work on the mural, Guernica, on May 1 of that year, which was finished by the middle of June, 1937.

What is the name of the mural Picasso painted which is the most important work of the 20th century?

The answer is Guernica.I had to look it up for a project.I don't know if i'd call it the "single most important work of the 20th century" but the most famous mural Picasso painted was "Guernica". See the Related Links section below for a picture of it.Answer 2: Only Guernica is not a mural It is painted on a large canvas.

Who attacked Guernica?

Isuppose no one should claim the ownership of such a great pure and majestic art work, which has showed the anger of a person from war. It is the greatest kind of expressing beauty of someone morality about WAR. As a matter of fact I think that Pablo Picasso hated the war of any kind. Well behind all these words Guernica is ( must be ) belong to all nations. akidabir

What is Pablo Picasso's most famous piece?

It is Guernica, his work depicting the atrocities of war that is cited as most notable by some sources, and is arguably one of the most discussed of his paintings, partly due to the political aspect of the work.The painting 'Guernica' is one of Picasso's great Masterpieces. The nature of 'Famous' is a changing thing which makes it difficult to define with art.

What was Picasso protesting in 'Guernica'?

bombing of a civilian protest

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How long did it take for picasso to paint Guernica?

Picasso was living in Paris when the Nazis bombed Guernica, Spain in April of 1937. This inspired him to begin work on the mural, Guernica, on May 1 of that year, which was finished by the middle of June, 1937.

What is the name of the mural Picasso painted which is the most important work of the 20th century?

The answer is Guernica.I had to look it up for a project.I don't know if i'd call it the "single most important work of the 20th century" but the most famous mural Picasso painted was "Guernica". See the Related Links section below for a picture of it.Answer 2: Only Guernica is not a mural It is painted on a large canvas.

Who attacked Guernica?

Isuppose no one should claim the ownership of such a great pure and majestic art work, which has showed the anger of a person from war. It is the greatest kind of expressing beauty of someone morality about WAR. As a matter of fact I think that Pablo Picasso hated the war of any kind. Well behind all these words Guernica is ( must be ) belong to all nations. akidabir

What is Pablo Picasso's most famous piece?

It is Guernica, his work depicting the atrocities of war that is cited as most notable by some sources, and is arguably one of the most discussed of his paintings, partly due to the political aspect of the work.The painting 'Guernica' is one of Picasso's great Masterpieces. The nature of 'Famous' is a changing thing which makes it difficult to define with art.

What is the name of the mural pcasso painted which is regarded as the single most important work of th 20th century?


How do you punctuate There are few artistic statements against war that are stronger than Picasso's Guernica?

Ideally, you would italicize "Gurenica", as it is the name of a work of art, thus: There are few artistic statements against war that are stronger than Picasso's Guernica.

What was Picasso protesting in 'Guernica'?

bombing of a civilian protest

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Hamlet is still considered the greatest work in literature.

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Stanford White was the architect that designed Penn Station. He considered it his greatest work.

How much was the Guernica sold for?

The 'Guernica' has never been sold. It was exhibited in Paris in 1937. After this Picasso put it in the care of the New York MoMA for keeping until Spain became a democracy again. 1981 it was sent to Madrid, now in the 'Reina Sofia' museum.

How many days did it take Pablo Picasso to paint 'Guernica'?

On April 26, 1937 the defenseless little town of Guernica was bombed. This angered Picasso and he started to make lots of sketches, which led to the big painting of that name. It was exhibited in Paris in July 1937. This means three months' work.