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Sleep is very important for the health of the heart because we are always working in the day and some people may be working out too so after all that u need to rest your brain and then when you are good with your brain you wont be stressed and that is good for your heart too!!!

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Q: Why is sleep important for the health of the heart?
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It is extremely unlikely to be killed in your sleep under normal circumstances. However, certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea or heart conditions, can increase the risk of complications during sleep. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your health during sleep.

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Sleep, stress, eating and genetics.

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because it works your heart and keeps it healthy from bad health

What is the effect on the heart when you dont get enough sleep?

Increased epinephrine (adrenalline) levels occur, when there is not enough sleep, increasing the resting heart rate and making the heart work harder. For those prone to heart disease, it is very important to get enough sleep (about 8 hrs per night).

What happens to your heart when you sleep?

Your heart beats slowly when you sleep.

Does your heart help you sleep?

no your heart don't make you sleep

What happens to your health when you have lack of sleep?

Regular poor sleep puts you at risk of serious medical conditions including obesity,heart disease and diabetes - and it shortens your life expectancy.

Why is overweight important?

It can cause serious health risks such as type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, and other heart issues.

How much should a five year old sleep?

It is very important for the physical and mental health of a child to get enough sleep. A five year old should get 10 to 11 hours of sleep.

What are some heart healthy exercise routines?

Cardio is very important when you are trying to improve your heart health. Here is a link to an article on WebMD that tells you how to exercise to keep your heart in optimal health: