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Descartes believed that the truth must be indubitable because doubting leads to answers. The only thing he perceived to be certain was his own existence.

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Q: Why must the truth be indubitable for Descartes?
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Why is descartes so obsessed with doubt?

Descartes believed that doubt was a crucial tool in the search for truth. By subjecting all his beliefs to doubt, he aimed to find a foundation of knowledge that could not be doubted. This led him to his famous statement "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), which served as the starting point for his philosophical system.

What is a good sentence with indubitable in it?

It is indubitable that the sky is blue.

What is a good sentence for indubitable?

Indubitable means to not be doubted. An example sentence would be: The fact that she was very intelligent was indubitable.

What perspective on truth seeking did Descartes and Bacon advocate?

Descartes and Bacon both advocated for skepticism and looking for the truth in a rational fashion. They both had methods of finding the truth in a logically ordered fashion that incorporated reasonable doubt.

What is the first truth of which Descartes is certain?

"I think, therefore I am" is the first truth of which Descartes is certain. This statement, known as cogito ergo sum, demonstrates Descartes' method of doubt by acknowledging that even if all his perceptions are false, his ability to doubt and think proves his existence as a thinking being.

What was the one absolute truth Rene Descartes believed in?

That he existed.

Who was a renaissance scientist who felt truth was a standard to uphold?

Galileo Galilei was a Renaissance scientist who believed that truth was a standard to uphold. He advocated for the use of empirical evidence and observation to support scientific theories, even in the face of opposition from the Catholic Church.

What was descartes hoping to prove by doubting everything?

Descartes aimed to find a secure foundation for knowledge by doubting everything and only accepting beliefs that were indubitable. He wanted to establish a method of doubt that would lead to undeniable truths, ultimately seeking to establish a foundation of knowledge based on reason rather than on mere beliefs or authority.

What philosopher believed in questioining everything in order to discover ultimate truth?


What did René Descartes believe was the one absolute truth?

Father Of Modern Philosophy.

What is the definition of indubitable?

Not subject to doubt; certain.

How did descartes approach the truth differ from others at the time?

Using your mind about obtain knowledge(most important).