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Q: Why would a topographic map be updated?
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What types of map shows elevations and contours?

A topographic map would show elevations and contours.

A map that shows how the land looks like is called?

I believe it is a Thematic map.

Would it be easier to read contour lines on a topographic map of a city or a topographic map of a wilderness area?

Probably the city because the wilderness would have crazy hill going up and down.

A topographic map differs from a road map in the topographic map shows?

A topographic map shows equal lines of elevation, in set distances which can vary between maps (dependent on the grade of elevation change). elevation,relief,and slope.

Which type of map best shows the three dimensions of Earths surface?

Topographic Maps

Related questions

What types of map shows elevations and contours?

A topographic map would show elevations and contours.

Why would a topographic map be useful to you?

The topographic map shows the whole layout of an area. you could actually picture the area.

What is a sentence with Topographic map?

What I need is a topographic map!

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topographic map

What kind of map shows the topographic features of an area?

a topographic map

How could a person who skis or hikes use a topographic map?

You can use a Topographic Map to see where your trip would be flat or hilly, warm or cold.

A map that shows how the land looks like is called?

I believe it is a Thematic map.

What type of map would you use to fine the highest point in an area?

Topographic map.

What would the highest and lowest points in an area like on a topographic map?

On a topographic map a contour line connects points of equal elevation.....hope that helped

How could a person who snow skies or hike use a topographic map?

You can use a Topographic Map to see where your trip would be flat or hilly, warm or cold.

What type of map would you use to see the elevation of mt McKinley?

You would use a topographic map to see the elevation of Mt. McKinley. Topographic maps show the physical features of an area, such as the contour lines that indicate changes in elevation.

What map shows earths surface features and elevation?

A topographical map.