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Fertilizer does not affect plant growth that much, and trust me i know because i had to do this for an experiment and i had three cups: #1 was planted with plain dirt and was watered (without fertilizer)every other day #2 was planted with plant soil and was watered (without fertilizer)every other day #3 was planted with soil and was watered with fertilizer every other day and my plants were radishes and on the packet it said it would grow from 4-6 days and plant #2 was the first to sprout then #1 and then #3 which was a shock because it took plant #3 about a week or more to sprout even though i added fertilizer

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Q: Will the addition of fertilizer to soil increase plant growth?
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What happens to plant growth when you increase the amounts of fertilizer?

Plant growth will increase when fertilizer is added, in as much as the plant is deficient in the nutrients the fertilizer provides. Most processes in nature has a bell-shaped to its function where too much, even of a good thing, can begin to do harm.

How has the fertilizer industry developed?

fertilizer how became more advance the have been able to grow plant much faster , and increase the sizes of plants. a fertilizer is a plant grow with specific chemicals that promote plant grow , over the years more stable chemicals have been added to increase the growth strength....

Can you use osmocote in house plants?

Osmocote is an inorganic fertilizer that has all the major benefits of an organic fertilizer. The release of the osmocote will increase as plant growth increases.

What effect does the amount of fertilizer have on the growth of a plant?

Insufficient fertilizer in plants can cause deficiency symptoms and slow plant growth. Excess fertilizer, meanwhile, can lead to salinity problems.

What is an essential nutrient for plant growth and found in most soils?

A good fertilizer for plants is "nitrogen" It can be found in soil in small amounts, or you can increase the amount of nitrogen, and buy fertilizer from a store.

What is an independemt variable?

An independent variable is the variable in the experiment that affects the other variable. For example, in an experiment that tests the affect of the amount of fertilizer on plant growth, the amount of fertilizer is the independent variable and the plant growth is the dependent variable. This is because the plant growth DEPENDS on the amount of fertilizer.

Does the type of fertilizer affect plant growth?


How does ammonia affect plant growth?

Ammonia affects plant growth. Ammonia is a plant fertilizer which helps it grow better.

Does detergents effect plant growth?

Phosphates do. They are an effective fertilizer.

What effect does the amount of fertilizer have on the growth of a plant what would be the independent variable?

The dependent variable is the growth that depends upon (or results from) the application of fertilizer. The independent variable is the fertilizer itself.

Do Bacteria Affect Plant Growth?

It increase plant growth.

Does fertiliser affect plant growth?

The fertilizer is a kind of material that affects plant growth.By the fertilizers rich nutrients,it makes plant growt even better.THe plants growth is known to be better through th contents of the fertilizer.