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How vinegar affects plant growth is by being acidic, and it works in negatively against the plant growth. It damages the cells to the plants.

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Q: How does vinegar affect bean plants?
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Why does vinegar affect plants?

vinegar is a acid. it is a strong acid. thats why it affect plants.

Does vinegar affect the growth of plants?

Vinegar is acidic and plants do not like over acidity. It inhibits the plants ability to absorb water and nutrients.

Do worms affect bean plants?

yes, with worms, a bean plant will grow faster and taller

Does vinegar helps plants grow?

Vinegar kills plants.

Would a pinto bean grow in vinegar?

No, they don't like vinegar!

Does vinegar have the same effect on plants as water?

No vinegar is diluted Acetic acid so must have a different affect than water alone.

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their are some myth that caffeine can affect plants bad or good

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The vinegar is going to make it grow faster

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How will different liquids affect the growth rates of bean plants?

this question can't really be answered until you supply the liquids that are to be compared