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A low Purine Diet may help those suffering from gout avoid atacks. ---- Here is a list of some of the foods that are high in purines. These foods have the highest concentration of purines and should therefore be avoided by people that are prone to or are already suffering from gout.

Beef, Pork, Bacon, Lamb, Seafood, Foods that are made with yeast like beer or bread, Alcoholic Beverages

These foods, while high in purine levels that can aggravate the symptoms of gout can be had occasionally by those who usually follow a low purine diet.

Asparagus, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Peas, Spinach, Whole grain breads and cereals, White poultry meats, like chicken, duck or turkey, Kidney and lima beans.

The following foods are safe to eat in a low purine diet; however these should not be the only food you eat.

Green vegetables and tomatoes, Fruits and fruit juices, Breads that do not use yeast (may be found in the kosher section or a health food store), Nuts, Milk and milk products such as butter and cheese, Chocolate, Coffee and tea. ----

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Which Medication for gout damage to joint?

There is no cure for gout, nor is there a cure for the damage that uric acid crystals do to joint tissue. There are treatments that involve anti inflammatory and diet to alleviate the symptoms however.

Does compound wart remover cure ringworm?

No, this can cure warts, but not ringworm. Ringworm is a tinea species, and clotrimazole, as well as other remedies, help treat this. Consult your doctor for your specific situation. Edit: ACTUALLY, yes, this type of topical wart remover contains a large amount of salicylic acid, which has anti-fungal properties and as such, can and will cure various types of ringworm with continued application. It should not be used on very small children with a fever due to it's aspirin like effects.

Is there a cure for Tattoos?

There is no "cure" for a tattoo, because there is no desease involved. If you wanted to know how to get rid of one then you better be ready to experience pain because it hurts. The basically take a laser and burn it right out of you skin. So if that doesn't anwer you question then you need to get smarter

Does dexamethsone cure gout?

There is no cure for gout.

Were can tattoos go on are bodys?

tattoos can go any where any place you want them to go if you like tattoos alot you should think about getting alot of tattoos and it also help cancer if you have cancer you should get more tattoos cause it cures cancer that is the cure for cancer is tattoos like the old Chinese they used needles to cure diseases

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