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Canvas is a heavy duty woven fabric made of cotton or linen. It has increasingly replaced wooden panels as a painting surface. Canvas painting became widely popular in the 16th century.
A gargoyle is a carved stone grotesque designed to carry water away from a roof and the walls of a building, most obviously seen in churches. It is most often seen as a medieval addition, but was known to the ancient Greeks , ancient Egyptians and derives from the Latin word Gula. Throughout the history of churches, gargoyles were used to convey the idea of evil, convincing people to go to church with the idea that the end was near. Gargoyles can represent Lions, the Wolf, Snakes. Goats, Monkeys, Eagles, Griffins, Harpies and Mermaids. They would now be replaced by guttersIt was believed in the 19th century that gargoyles warded of evil and served as protection against witches.http://www.webanswers.com/social-sciences/spiritual-religious/why-do-christian-monuments-like-churches-have-gorgoyles-sculpted-35269f
Augustus Earle was the artist. He came aboard the Beagle in April 1832 but his health soon declined and he was forced to leave the ship, but was replaced by Conrad Martens. Augustus died in London on December 10th 1838.
christian themes-APEX
Religious paintings on a Christian theme.
christian themes-APEX
Canvas is a heavy duty woven fabric made of cotton or linen. It has increasingly replaced wooden panels as a painting surface. Canvas painting became widely popular in the 16th century.
Cowrie and cowry shells were replaced by coins and moneys in the medieval time. This happened back in 1000 BC.
Christian themes
France's medieval parliament was called Estates-General or States-General. It was eventually replaced by the National Constituent Assembly during the French Revolution.
Technically, a microprocessor is a kind a CPU.
Mannerism is a form of painting notable for elongated forms, precariously balanced poses, a collapsed perspective, irrational settings, and theatrical lighting. The High Renaissance art was represented by its development of highly realistic linear perspective with the works of Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael along with Botticelli, Donatello and Titian representing artistic pinnacles that were to be much imitated by other artists. Mannerism, still a controversial term, followed High Renaissance, and was later replaced by the Baroque style.
The guitar replaced the Lute which was very popular in medieval musical period.
The two-letter abbreviation "PA" has replaced the traditional "Penna."