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The Nine Muses.

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Q: The goddesses who presided over the arts were?
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In greek mythology what presided over arts or sciences?

Muses presided over arts and sciences in Greek mythology. This is why writers and artists often talk about their muses.

Who presided over the convention?

John Hancock presided over the first, and George Washington presided over the second.

Is - presided by- correct?

No, the correct preposition to use with "presided" is "over." For example, "She presided over the meeting."

Who presided over the contitutional convention?

John Hancock presided over the first, and George Washington presided over the second.

Who is the muse of poets?

The Greeks had more than one type of poetry. The muses were: Calliope - Epic Poetry Erato - Love Poetry Euterpe - Elegiac Poetry

Who presided over the continental congress?

. Who presided over the Congress Were first -

Did the nine muses give man the arts?

No, the titan Prometheus did but they are the goddesses of the arts.

What is a classical muse?

A classical muse is one of nine goddesses who were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. They reigned over the arts and sciences.

What is classical muse?

A classical muse is one of nine goddesses who were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. They reigned over the arts and sciences.

Is the usage presided over by correct?

Yes. Example sentence: The president presided over the meeting.

What Latin words is museum derived from?

The word "museum", which is exists both in English and in Latin, comes originally from the Greek word Mouseion, "the seat of the Muses", from Mousa, "a Muse".(The Muses were the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus. Each one presided over a different field of art and literature.).

Who were the daughters of Greek sea goddess Tethys?

Tethys was the mother of three thousand goddesses who presided over the sources of earth's fresh-water, ranging from rainclouds to subterranean springs and fountains called the Oceanides.