Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi
If you tells us the sculpture you ask about we will be glad to answer your question.
Perspective allowed the artists to create images that looked real. Artist were able to construct an image that appeared to have depth, meaning that is it did look flat on the canvas.
2 french cultural contributions to the arts are music and literature (also philosophy and religion)
Of cource he was he was one of the most famous Italian renaisance artist in the Renaisance.
How did Johannes Kepler influence to the renaisance wolrdview?
in 1446
The goldsmith workshop and the townspeople
Christopher Columbus Music History of Renaisance
the reanaicence means re-birth
Donatello's father was Nicolló di Betto Bardi.
Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi
Medici, Cosimo, Borgias
Because it was a period between the decline of rome and renaisance.