Primary paint colors are Red, Yellow, and Blue. Mixing any two or all three of these will give you all colors but it helps to have white to tint some colors.
The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. You cannot mix other colors to get these 3 colors. Once you have these three colors you can mix almost any other color with them.
it could be referring to primary colors, meaning the three basic colors that cannot be made by combining any other colors. these colors are blue, red, and yellow.
red blue or yellow Nup. Printing: yellow, cyan, magenta, plus black to make solid blacks. Televison: red, green, blue.
Primary paint colors are Red, Yellow, and Blue. Mixing any two or all three of these will give you all colors but it helps to have white to tint some colors.
When primary colors of paint (red, blue, yellow) are mixed together, they produce secondary colors (orange, green, purple).
Primary pigments are the pigments that make up primary colors in a medium such as paint. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.
Artists make their own paint colors all the time by blending other colors. You can blend primary colors with other primary colors, with secondary colors, with tertiary colors, and even with small amounts of black or white to create very nuanced shades of various colors.
none its a primary color
Red, blue and yellow
none its a primary color
blue and blue... its a primary colour.
Primary colors will depend upon your point of reference:When working with paint pigments, the primary colors are Red, Yellow and Blue.If you are talking about light or digital media, the primary colors are Red, Green and Blue.When talking about printer toners, the primary colors are Magenta, Yellow and Cyan.
It depends on whether you are talking about colors of light (emission) or paint (absorption). The three primary colors of light are red, blue, and green. Mixed together, they make white. The three primary colors of paint are red, blue, and yellow. Mixed together, they make black.
no colors make blue. It is a primary color.