The 1950s and today have changed so much. In just 60 years ago, we have advance so much, we don't even remember half of the old electronics used then. Most of our generation as kids still don't understand what the typewriter was used for.
Technology has had some major advancements- things that we don't even think about today like cell phones, tv, internet, movies. Most entertainment was still done by radio. Another thing that would be majorly different would be international relationships. 1950 was during the cold war when most Americans feared a Soviet nuclear attack. Americans today may fear terrorism, but nothing compared to what it seems to have been like in the Cold War. Communism was also a big scare, and was actually termed the "Red Scare" many people feered it creeping into our government system.
There was far less industry, higher unemployment, more violence in schools, more children being dumped in daycare rather than being raised by their parents, more divorce. A morbid obsession with health and safety, more and more petty regulations about what people can and cannot do. Children less likely to be out and about on their own. people more sedentary, going everywhere by car rather than walking or taking buses or riding bikes.
Many modern conveniences they didn't have in the 1950s, computers, DVDS, CDs, mobile phones etc. Far more TV stations than were availabe in the 50s. In the UK, the variety of food available in the shops vastly wider and more varied than it would have been in the 50s. More supermarkets and chain stores, fewer small independent shops.
Some occupations that were not considered suitable for women in the 50s are now allowed. it would probably surprise 50s visitors to see lady firefighters and soldiers, for example. Far more women combining marriage with a career, not considered a desirable choice in the 50s.
The vast majority of women work. Food is much cheaper, but rent and mortgages are higher. The average person today is far more informed. Today's society is centered around children/teens. It WAS NOT in the 50s. In the 50s, middle-class status could be maintained without a college education. Today, you practically need a B.A. to answer phones! And even in schools, they allowed students to smoke.
On a technical note. The sets of the 50's were all manual tube sets. You actually had to get off your duff to change channels, and sound levels, even fine tuning was manually done. Unless you were one of the lucky few to be able to afford the wired remote Zenith called "Lazy Bones". The sets were very inefficient with their use of power. Most TV sets were a piece of furniture. All sets were black and white until 1955, and color broadcast did not happen until the early 60's.
When the set broke down, you called the neighborhood repair man to come to your home and fix it. We kept the set running for as much as 20 years since it was cheaper to do that than to buy another.
Now, we have infra-red remote with digital tuning and surround sound. We have high definition, and digital broadcast. The sets are all solid state, NO TUBES even the CRT (picture tube) is becoming obsolete. All sets are automatcally fine tuned and automatically monitored for color accuracy. The "console TV" has been a thing of the past since 1999-2000. You have to buy a separate stand for it now. Newer sets have a lot more features, while being less expensive. (again due to solid state and computer controls). The miniaturization of the circuitry has all but eliminated the repairman being able to do a house call. If the set is a 25" (used to be considered a big screen) or smaller, when it breaks, you just throw it out and buy another.
The technical aspect of things today's TVs have a much higher video bandwidth limit due to being solid state and using modern components meaning that they can display higher video signal frequencies. Higher frequencies equal sharper edge detail such as going directly from black to white. The bandwidth limit is also the reason that up till now all TVs have been interlaced meaning that they scan lines. Kids today would not like the kind of TVs in the 1950s because it was all black in white whereas today, its all color. We, as a generation, didn't grow up with black and white TV. The kids then did. So that's another big reason why we are a lot diffrenet.
The clothes, themes, and styles in the 1950s are different today, too.
Which work of at was inspired by the 1950s era of McCarthyism in the United States
The UK Ran out of Porcelain to make all different products. This happened in the 1950s and 1960s.
pat boone
There were several famous fashion designers in the 1950s. Coco Chanel was one of the famous designers of that time. Others were Jaques Fath, Christian Dior, and Pierre Balmain.
Heyy they wore little ones and tied them round there neck with the knot to the side!! or on your waste as belt or on your head!
The same kinds of foods as other people. The biggest difference between 1950s and 1970s was that everyone mostly ate at home.
Nothing much compared to todays players.
Hydro was much cheaper in the 1950's :)
The main difference between AM and FM radio is the dial-in number and the amount of static each receive. AM radio preceded FM radio, with FM becoming popular in the 1950s.
differences between now and then 1905s
it was between 1950s and the1960s.
I believe we have some things in common but I think most of our issues are way different.
Poodle skirts were worn by teen age girls in the 1950s at dances. School uniforms for girls were pleated skirts, generally plaid or navy blue.
todays commmon practice of recycling discarded items and trash, reusing empty food and other containers, and buying products withlong term warranties might be seen as necessary steps to reverse the throwaway trend of the 1950s.
1950s (1950-1953) Technically, the two nations are still at war. A peace treaty was never signed between the North and South Korea, only a ceasefire.
Many factors contributed to tensions between the U.S. and Cuba in the 1950s. Cuba's army was growing, Cuba was impoverished by communism coming to power, and American businesses were nationalized.
2013 kids don't care but back then they cared because cause life was easy but the new generation made it dump dumpget yo money up