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Calliope ("beautiful-voiced") is the muse of heroic poetry.

Clio (derived from a verb meaning "to make famous") is the muse of history.

Euterpe ("rejoicing well" or "delight") is the muse of music.

Thalia (derived from a word meaning "rich festivity" or "blooming")

is the muse of comedy and idyllic poetry.

Melpomene (derived from a Greek word meaning "to celebrate with dance and song"

is the muse of tragedy, though initially she was the muse of singing.

Terpsichore ("delighting in dance") is the muse of choral song and dancing.

Erato ("the lovely" or "beloved") is the muse of lyric love poetry.

Polyhymnia or Polymnia ("many praises" or "many hymns")

is the muse of hymns (songs of praise).

Finally, Urania ("heavenly one") is the muse of astronomy.

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