Decorated is the past participle. Decorate is a regular verb meaning the simple past and past participle are both the same - decorated.
Blotted is the past participle of blot. It's also the past tense.
The past participle is drawn.
the word 'drawn' is the past participle of DRAW. so the past participle of DRAW is drawn.
The past participle is shown.
The past tense of "copy" is "copied" and the past participle is also "copied."
That would be 'copied'
The past participle of "do" is "done." The past participle of "have" is "had."
The past participle of "am not" is "have not been."
The past participle of "do" is "done."
The past tense of "have" is "had," and the past participle is also "had."
The past participle of the word "have" is "had."
The past participle of "am, are, is" is "been."
The past participle of "will" is "willed."
The past participle is thought.
The past participle of "to" is "been." The past participle of "be" is also "been."
Being is the present participle. The past participle is been.