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with kids who wnated to be different

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Q: Where did the punk style originate?
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How do you combine scene and punk style?

Scene is a style of punk/hippie/emo and depends on who you are to set the style right for you. If punk style is being crazy and yourself, mix scene hair with the punk fashions. And if you were truly a punk, you wouldn't give a care in the world what anyone thinks and hate the world. Know what punk is before you represent it sweetie ;) And do you think you'll be scene in your thirties? xD

What is rihanna's fashion style?

Her style is punk/ecletic.

Where did Atari Teenage Riot originate from?

Atari Teenage Riot is a digital-hardcore band which formed in Berlin, Germany. The band's music features punk-style lyrics and a style of techno music known as digital hardcore.

Which style of rock music is derived from punk?

Grunge, hardcore, pop punk...

How do you say punk in danish?

A punk (rebellious youngster) would be, en Rod. the style of clothing, would be Punk.

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What is the difference between funk and punk?

Punk is a subclutre, that has her own fashion, ideology and music style, that called punk rock. Funk is a music style that has no connection to punk, it's actually a black music genere that developed from rhytm & blues i think.

Why was Avril Lavigne gothic was it only for the runway?

She was not gothic. She was a punk and she was a punk because she wanted to be and it was her style.

Which music style is better rap or punk rock?

I prefer punk rock, but everyone is entitled to an opinion

What is psychobilly?

A style of music blending punk and rockabilly.

What style of music is The Clash?

Early Punk Rock

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