

Who was the master of woodcuts?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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13y ago

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Albrecht Durer was the master of woodcuts.

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12y ago

Albrecht Dürer

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What were woodcuts used for?

To print pictures.

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Frederick Sandys has written: 'Reproductions of woodcuts by F. Sandys, 1860-1866' 'Reproductions of woodcuts by F. Sandys'

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Who was the German artist who made woodcuts and painted?

There have been hundreds of German artists who have paintd and made woodcuts. Let me guess that you want Albrecht Dürer, 1471-1528.

What does xylography?

Xylography - art of making woodcuts of an early kind.

How did M.C. Escher do his artwork?

He used woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints.

What was M.C. Escher's technical process?

Woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints.

What is Creating engraved woodcuts allowed artists to?

print images on paper.

What is the purpose of devotional woodcuts?

They were sold as souvenirs to pilgrims at holy pilgrimage sites.