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You have to report a glitch on gametest Roblox

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Q: How do you get the red banded top hat on roblox?
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Related questions

What is the first Roblox hat ever made?

The very first Roblox hat ever made was: The Red Baseball Cap. Purple Banded Top Hat was second.

What was the first top hat made on roblox?

it was the purple banded top hat

What is the second hat made in roblox?

The first hat ever made was the Red Baseball Cap. Second was Purple Banded Top Hat.

What is the first hat in roblox?

The answer is Purple Banded Top Hat. I know the history behind all this, as I've seen and been through where hats were first ever released on ROBLOX. The Top Hat Mesh was constructed by ROBLOX as an idea for something called a "hat" on ROBLOX. They also made other meshes with the Sombrero, the Red Baseball Cap, the Classic ROBLOX Viking Helm, and even The Classic ROBLOX Fedora. BUT, along with Purple Banded Top Hat and Red Baseball Cap, ROBLOX created the texture onto the PBTH first and then moved onto the texture of the RBC. The Purple Banded Top Hat was originally released first onto the system, but was later permanently deleted from ROBLOX's database on the website due to an exquisite error with the mesh, and even the texture was completely invalid. While fixing that, the Red Baseball Cap was published, and that had good results. And then later, the Purple Banded Top Hat was released again on ROBLOX with a change in the mesh, and a huge change on the texture. In conclusion, the first hat on ROBLOX was Purple Banded Top Hat. If any of you are interested in finding me on ROBLOX, my main is SevereTeapot. Go look me up.

What is the first hat ever made for roblox?

The purple banded top hat was the first hat on Roblox. It was released on May 30, 2007, the day hats were made on Roblox. The red baseball cap was released afterwards on the same day.

What is the oldest hat on roblox?

The oldest hat in Roblox is the Purple Banded Top Hat. It was created on May 30th 2007. It did and currently does cost $R5000.

What was the fisrt made hat on roblox?

The Purple Banded top hat was the first hat that was made on Roblox. It appeared on May 30, 2007, the day hats were first released on Roblox. The red baseball cap was released immediately afterwards on the same day.

What was the first hat on roblox?

The Purple Banded Top Hat was the first hat ever created on Roblox. It was made on the 30th of May 2007, the day hats were first released on Roblox. The Red Baseball Cap was created immediately afterwards on the same day.

What was the first hat ever made in Roblox?

The purple banded top hat was the first hat ever made on Roblox. It was created on May 30, 2007, the day hats were first released on Roblox. The red baseball cap was created immediately afterwards on the same day.roblox visitor hat

When was the first hat made on Roblox?

The first hat ever made was the purple banded top hat. It was uploaded by Roblox on May 30th 2007. It did (and currently does) cost R$5,000.

Roblox when did hats come out?

May 30, 2007 Hats were released on May 30, 2007, the first being Purple Banded Top Hat.

When was the top hat first made?

The top hat was created May 30th 2007. It was the first hat ever to be created on Roblox. It did (and currently does) cost 5,000 Robux.