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A ghostly white disc.

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Q: Describe the appearance of a full moon?
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How would you describe the visual appearance of planet Earth from the moon?

Right from moon? It appears as if a moon but big in size.

What happens to the appearance of the moon when it is waxing?

A waxing moon is one that moves from a new moon (totally dark) to a full moon (totally lit by the sun). A waning moon goes from full to new.

Are all full moon the same?

The appearance of full moons tend to vary in size. This is an optical illusion caused by the Earth's rotation and the distance between Earth and the Moon at the time of the full moon.

What is earths moon appearance?

Sometimes half sometimes full.. It depends on where the sun is.

What nouns describe the moon?

Nouns do not describe; adjectives are the describing words for nouns. The word moon is a noun, some adjectives that describe the moon are: bright, cool, round, full, half, new, crescent, or autumn.

What festivals are celebrated by the appearance of the moon?

In Islam, sighting the moon (full moon) at the end of the month of Ramadhan, indicates the celebration called eid.

What is a moon phase is?

The very first phase of the moon is called new moon. You cannot see it in the sky because it is not reflecting the sun's light. The full moon is when you can see the entire side of the moon, which is just reflecting the sun's light. The other phases are the intermediate steps between new-to-full, and then full-to-new. Usually the term phase refers to the appearance of the moon except the way its appearance changes during a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses always occur during the full moon phase.

Use the word moon in a sentence to describe?

The full moon illuminated my yard. The crescent moon peeked out from behind dark clouds.

What phase represents the appearance of the moon during an eclipse?

During a lunar eclipse, the moon is at it's full phase - directly opposite the sun.

When do you get a blue moon?

A blue moon is the third full moon of a season with four full moons instead of the usual three. It is sometimes incorrectly used to describe a second full moon in one month in the Gregorian calender. As an idiom, it is when something extremely rare or improbable occurs.

How many days are required for the moon to go from one full moon phase to the next full moon phase when viewed from earth?

The complete cycle of the moon's 'phases' ... the time to go from any shapeto the next appearance of the same shape ... averages 29.531 days.

What is a new moon and a full moon's appearance?

You can't see a new moon at all because the sun is behind it and the side we are looking at is not lit up. A full moon can be seen as a fully illuminated circle because the sun is behind us, shining fully on the part of the moon facing us.