

Distance from Mars to the moon?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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mars to the moon is 80km

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because they all move, it changes

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Q: Distance from Mars to the moon?
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Is the moon closer to earth or is mars?

The Earth's distance from the moon or Mars is always changing. The closest the moon can get to Earth is 225,622 miles. The farthest it can get is 252,088 miles. The closest possible distance from Earth to Mars is 33.9 million miles. Therefore the Earth is always much closer to the moon than Mars, no matter where they are in orbit.

Does the moon circle mars?

Earth's moon ... the one you see in the sky from your backyard ... does not circle Mars.The distance from earth to our moon is less than 1/2 percent of the closest possible distance from earth to Mars.

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I don't believe there is a minimal distance. One of Mars's moon will eventually crash into it.

Is Mars by the moon?

Mars is about 80 million km away from the moon, the same (strangely enough) as the distance from Earth to Mars. So, not really. Although I guess it depends on your scale.

What is the distance from moon to mars?

Forget the small distance between Earth and Moon. The distance from Earth to Mars varies a lot, because Earth's orbit around the sun is much smaller than Mars' orbit. The minimum distance from the Earth to Mars is about 54.6 million kilometers. The farthest apart they can be is about 401 million km. The average distance is about 225 million km.

Is the moon or mars closter to the sun?

The moon is closer to the sun. Since the moon orbits Earth, it is always about the same distance from the sun as Earth is.

Is the planet mercury the closest planet to the moon?

No. Earth is technically the closest planet to the moon. Mars is the closest planet to a moon, with Phobos being only 9.4Mm away from Mars. Earth's moon is an average distance of 370Mm from Earth.

How many miles is it from earth to the moon Phobos?

Constantly varying.Phobos orbits Mars, so the average distance to Phobos will be the same as the average distance to Mars, which is about 225 million kilometers.

How far is moon from mars?

The moon orbits the earth at a distance of about 240 thousand miles. The earth orbits the sun at a distance of about 90 million miles. Mars orbits the sun at a distance at about 140 million miles, and these orbits are not purely circular. So the distance from earth to mars varies wildly from around 50 million miles to around 230 million miles. So the odd 1/4 of a million miles that the moon is from earth is a triviality in comparison.

What is our closet nieghbor in our solar system?

The Moon. After that, it could be Venus or Mars, depending on their orbits. The distance between the Earth and Mars/ Venus changes.

How is Earh different than Mars?

Mass, gravity, magnetic field, the moon, distance from the sun.

What the deffrent from moon to Mars?

Mars is a planet the Moon is not. Mars orbits the Sun-the Moon does not.