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It is true that as seen fro the earth the sun and the moon have roughly the same angular diameter. It is for that reason that total solar eclipses are so spectacular.

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Q: Do the sun and moon have the same angular diameter?
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What is the angular diameter of the sun?

1/2 degrees (i think:)...this is also the same as the moon...

Is the angular diameter of the moon is smaller than that of the sun?

The Sun is about 416 times larger than the Moon. You could place about 71,991,296 Moons inside the Sun. The Sun has a diameter of 1.392×106 km The Moon has a diameter of 3,474.2 km

What is the angular diameter of both the sun and moon?

1/2 a degree

What is the angular size of the Sun and the Moon in order for solar eclipses to occur?

* For a solar eclipse, there is no specific requirement about the angular sizes.* For a TOTAL solar eclipse, the angular diameter of the Moon must be larger than that of the Sun.

What are facts about sizing up the sun and the moon?

for the next hundred millenia, they are the same angular diameter, and this is the reason why we have total solar eclipses. in the distant future however, this won't be the case because the moon will get further apart from the earth and become smaller in angular diameter.

10 What is the angular diameter of the sun or moon in the sky?

Roughly 1/2 degree

Why do the sun and moon appear to be the same size on a solar eclipse?

Because the sun is thousands of times as far away and just as many times bigger. This is simple geometry. As to why they have this relationship so that they appear to have the same diameter - it is just chance.

Why is the moon and sun bigger at the horizon?

They aren't. It is an optical illusion. Camera pictures show that their angular diameter doesn't change significantly.

What is the diameter of the Sun and Moon?

the diameter of the sun is about 400 times that of the moon, and it out-masses the moon by about 27 million times, they are both approximately the same apparent size in our sky.

How many moons can fit across the sun?

The Sun has about 400 times the diameter of the Moon.The Sun has about 400 times the diameter of the Moon.The Sun has about 400 times the diameter of the Moon.The Sun has about 400 times the diameter of the Moon.

How many time is the sun larger than the moon?

In terms of diameter, the Sun is 400 times the Moon's diameter. It is also 400 times as far away and this means that the disk of the moon and the sun appear the same size when viewed from earth.

How are moon and sun the same?

They both cause tides on Earth and both have the same angular size.