

Does Mars have nutrients

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Does Mars have nutrients
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Is there nutrients on the rocks on Mars and if there is what are their names?

NO, there is no nutriets on mar's rocks.

Could the soil on mars actually grow crops?

No. The soil on Mars lacks the organic nutrients necessary to grow plants.

What does breakfast look and taste like in mars?

It won't look like what we know as breakfast on Earth, but it will have the same nutrients. As for taste, we don't yet know as nobody has yet traveled to Mars to let us know.

Will wheat grow on Mars?

No, it won't. This is because of Mars' extremely thin atmosphere, lack of oxygen, extreme cold, high levels of solar radiation, low soil nutrients, and a high amount of acids in the soil.

Can a cactus survive on Mars with only one teaspoon of water?

No. A Cactus needs oxygen for respiration. Also needs nutrients from the soil.

Do you get any nutrients from Mars?

LOS ANGELES - NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander found evidence of mineral nutrients essential to life in Martian dirt, mission scientists announced Thursday. After preforming the first wet chemistry experiment ever done on another planet, Phoenix discovered that a sample of Martian dirt contained several soluble minerals, including potassium, magnesium and chloride. Though the data is preliminary, the results are very exciting, scientists said.

Could you move plants to Mars since plants breath carbon dioxide and wait until they make enough oxygen and move humans there?

no. Mars' surface has no liquid water, and nearly no nutrients in the soil. Also, the average day temperature is -14 degrees so no plants would be able to grow there. Also, the amount of atmospheric pressure on mars would mean breathing, even if there was oxygen would be incredibly hard

What do the Mars people eat when they are on the planet Mars?

There are no people on Mars, and no astronauts have visited Mars. The Moon, yes, Mars, no.

What planet has red sand?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.

Does mars have grassy areas like the earth?

Mars does not have any plant life and there is no absolute evidence that it ever did. Some Earth-type plants might survive in the cold, dense air of the Martian poles, but there is no liquid water at all on the surface.

What have tests found in Mars' soil?

basicly nothimg. no bacteria not anything. but now scientists believe there may be something at its poles -ORIGINAL ANSWER They have not found anything recognisable as life, nor direct evidence of recognisable life having existed there previously. What they have found is a whole bunch of soluble nutrients (such as potassium, magnesium and chloride) that would mean the dirt on Mars could support Earth's vegetation. Along with the evidence that liquid water once flowed on the surface of Mars, this suggests abiogenesis COULD have occured on Mars. Whether it did or not, and why, is still not known -we literally are just scratching the surface of Mars' history. This discovery also means that colonisation of Mars is more feasable as native Mars soil could be used to grow Earth's vegetation.

A planet known as the red planet?

The red planet is Mars, 4th planet from the sun and 7th largest. The name of the month of March derives from the name Mars