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if you look at a video and the North Pole is at the top, the Earth would appear to move from left to the right (the Pacific Ocean would first appear on the left side then rotate across and disappear on the right)

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Q: Does earth spin from left to right or right to left?
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Does the earth spin left or right?

That answer depends on perspective. It moves from west to east.

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Yes. Most tornadoes in the northern hemisphere spin counterclockwise, meaning if you were to watch a piece of debris it would move from left to right. However, most tornadoes in the southern hemisphere spin clockwise, meaning a piece of debris would move from right to left.

The revolution of the earth causes the seasons right?

No, the revolution of the Earth (its spin about an axis through the north and south poles) causes night and day. The Seasons are cause by the fact that the Earth's spin axis is tilted and by the orbit of the Earth round the Sun.