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a year is determined on how long the planet takes to orbit the sun. When calculating the year of a planet we use earth days. __________________ Yes, distance counts. The farther a planet is from the sun, the longer it takes that planet to complete one full orbit.

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Q: Does the distance from the sun affect how long a year is on that planet?
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How does a planets distance from the sun affect its period of revolution?

How does a planet's distance from the sun affect its period of revolution?

Does a planet's distance from the sun affect the length of a year on that planet?

Yes, the farther a planet is from the Sun, the longer it takes to go around the Sun.

How does a planet's distance from the sun affect the length of its year?

the closer the smaller orbit (a year is one complete orbit) so the year is smaller

How does the distance affect the time it takes a planet to orbit?

Yes. The grater the distance, the longer an object takes to orbit.

2007 year in review?

As 2007 was twelve months long and did affect the whole planet you may want to restrict you question to a particular part of the year and a certain part of the planet.

What determines how long it takes a planet to revolve around the sun?

The speed at which the planet moves and its distance from the sun both impact how long it takes to go around the sun. The bigger the orbit , the longer the planet's year.

What planet has a year 248 earth years long?

The dwarf planet Pluto is the planet with a year 248 earth years long.

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The dwarf planet Haumea is the planet with a year 280 earth years long.

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The dwarf planet Makemake is the planet with a year 310 earth years long.

How longest time it takes planet to revolve around the sun?

It depend on the distance of planet from sun and size of planet. If distance increases the time ie. Year increases

Is there a relationship between the length of planet's year and the distance of that planet from the sun?

Yes. A year is how long it takes for Earth to orbit (go the whole way around) the sun. So if it's further out, then it takes longer to orbit, thus a longer year.

How would the period of a planet change as its distance fro the sun increases?

the planet would have its year shorter