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The Moon rotates on its axis in the same time that it takes to orbit the Earth. So, one side always faces the Earth, and the other side faces away from Earth. The Moon revolves around the Earth once (and rotates once) in 27.3 days.

Earth rotates in about 24 hours. Earth revolves around the Sun in about 365

and a quarter days.

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Does the earth and the moon revolve and rotate differently?

because or the gravity of the moon and earth

How big does it take for the moon to revolve and rotate?

27.32 earth days.

Do the Earth and Moon rotate?

Both bodies rotate about their axises and revolve around a larger body.

How many days does it take the moon to rotate on its axis and revolve around the earth?

About 27.3 days.

How does the time it talked to moon to rotate on its axis compare with the time it talked the moon to revolve around earth?

They are exactly the same.

How often does the moon rotate around the earth each day?

Zero times. It takes the Moon about 27.3 days to revolve just once around the Earth.

How many days the moon will rotate and revolve around the earth?

About 27 1/2 days in both cases.

How many days exact for the moon go around the earth?

It takes 27.3 days for the Moon to revolve around the Earth, and the same amount of time to rotate on its axis.

How many days does it take the Moon to revolve round the Earth and rotate once?

The Moon revolves round the Earth and rotates on its own axis once every 27.3 days.

Why does the earth revolve and the moon doesn't?

Moon also revolve. Earth revolve round the sun and moon revolve round the earth.

How many times does the moon rotate as it revolves around the moon?

I am sorry, but the moon does not "revolve around the moon".

What whould happen if you had no moon?

if there were no moon, there would be no light in the sky at night (earth would be a lot darker at night, earth's days would be longer (earth will rotate slower), and there will be no tides (the moon pulls the tides)