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If the star is a bright blue-whit color then the star is hot....but if its red, or a color that's close top red then the it isn't hot, but its not cold either....its just not as hot as the blue-white star is. You can also find this information and more in the Kelvin Scale below.

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Q: Explain how color indicates the temperature of a star?
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The color of the star Indicates its Temperature.

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What do the different colors of the star mean?

The color of a star indicates its temperature. Blue or white stars are the hottest and smallest. Red or orange stars are the coolest and largest. Stars like our sun with a yellow color are medium in both size and temperature. Generally, the smaller a star is the hotter it is.

What color indicates that a star is hot?

the color of the star will be orange red and yellowish orangish

What temperature the star?

you can tell the temperature by its color

What can we learn by studying star color?

The color of a star is a good indicator of its temperature.

What is the color of a star most closely related to its?

A star's color is related to its surface temperature.

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No. The color is determined by the star's temperature, not location.

How can you decide what sort of star a star is?

By its temperature, size, and color.

What determines color of the stars?

The temperature determines the color of the star!:)

What is the color of the star with the lowest surface temperature?

the color of stars with the lowest surface temperature is red