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Constellations are basically patterns of stars in the sky. An agreed set of 88 constellation have been defined. Many of these go back to ancient times, and have names that go back thousands of years. All of them have been visible as long as humans can remember, so nobody can be said to have discovered them. Different constellations have got their names because people thought their shape looked like something. For most it is hard to see the particular shape thought of. Of all of them, the constellation Leo most looks like what it is suppose to represent, namely a crouching lion. Other constellations that are very easy to recognise include Ursa Major (The Plough or Great Bear) and Orion, the most recognisable and most magnificent constellation of them all.

Constellations usually look the same shapes wherever you are in the world. If you are in different parts though, some won't be so easily seen or they will appear to be in different parts of the sky than you normally see them. This is the same as when you look at anything from different locations. In the Southern Hemisphere you would see some different constellations that you would in the northern hemisphere. On any clear night you can see constellations. At different times of year though, some are not visible. Some are visible all year round, the ones nearest the pole star, including Ursa Major and Cassiopeia.

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How many constellations or there?

There are 88 constellations to be known by scientists.

How many constellations are there in the world?

there are 88 constellations known by scientists

What are Famous scientists for constellations?

William Herschell for example

Why do scientists still use constellations?

It is an easy way of identifying groups of stars and labelling and naming stars within constellations. Many constellations are long established. So they are also commonly known by people, making it easier for people to understand what is being talked about, be they scientists or ordinary people who can identify constellations and stars.

How could you use the constellations to tell what season it is?

you tell wich constellations are in each season and find the ones for the season you are in.

How are constellations helpful to astronomers?

constellations aren't particularly helpful to scientists. they were helpful to people in ancient times for navigation and the answers to the unknown

Why do scientists use scientific names to refer to specific organism?

they use speshel nmes so they can tell them apart

When were constellations found by scientists?

They were all found at different times, there is no exact date

Do all constellations have stories?

Most of the myths can be found in Greek mythology. This gives the star constellations an interesting name and a good story to remember. Not all of the constellations will have a myth or story behind them but most do. You will want to look at the different ones that you find online and see which ones have stories and which don't. Just remember that constellations are not real but are instead used as a way to tell the stars in the night sky apart. So don't take the stories too seriously because they are just an easy way to remember the different star constellations. So have fun with this and learn what you can about each of the constellations now.

How to learn the constellations?

What I have done to learn about constellations are as followed: 1.Answer the following questions: A.Knowledge-Name 5 constellations and what they mean. B.Comprehension-What are constellations? Who first connected the stars to make pictures? Tell this is 100-150 words. C.Application-Tell how Andromeda and Cepheus are related. Draw a map of the constellations that includes Andromeda, Cephues, Casseopia, and others surrounding them. D.Analysis-Put the constellations in labeled catagories. E.Synthesis-Make a new constellation. Give it a name, meaning, and story. F.Evaluation-Which constellations is your favorite? Why?

What do volcanoes tell scientists about the crust or mars?

They tell scientists when the wolrd will in

Are constellations will tell time?

yeah the time of year but not time of day