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from silicon to iron, about a day.

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Q: How long does it take for a massive star's core to become iron from silicon?
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What happens when a massive star cools and collapses?

Massive stars do not cool as they collapse, the collapse in on themselves because their cores become too heavy and dense, these atoms in the core are in an area so dense and so hot that it continues to increase its temperature as it explodes.

What is left when stars explode?

When smaller stars explode (like our Sun), they leave a nebula cloud by releasing their gas and they become a small but dense white dwarf star.When big stars explode (like Betelgeuse), they have a massive explosion called a supernova and the core of the star turns into a black hole or a pulsar.

Massive stars life cycle?

Massive stars evolve in a similar way to small stars until it reaches its main sequence stage The stars shine steadily until the hydrogen has fused to form helium ( it takes billions of years in a small star, but only millions in a massive star). The massive star then becomes a Red Supergiant and starts of with a helium core surrounded by a shell of cooling, expanding gas. In the next million years a series of nuclear reactions occur forming different elements in shells around the iron core. The core collapses in less than a second, causing an explosion called a Supernova, in which a shock wave blows of the outer layers of the star. (The actual supernova shines brighter than the entire galaxy for a short time). Sometimes the core survives the explosion. If the surviving core is between 1.5 - 3 solar masses it contracts to become a a tiny, very dense Neutron Star. If the core is much greater than 3 solar masses, the core contracts to become a Black Hole. 1.nebula 2.protostar giant, then it expands in to a super giant 5.super nova 6.then it cools in to a black hole or a neutron star

What happens to a massive star when its fusion period is over?

Once a star's nuclear fusion has ended, it will collapse inside its core and become what is known as a white dwarf. Its outer layers will shoot out into the universe as planet nebula. If they are very large, stars will explode into a Supernova and their core will collapse into a black hole.

What happens when a stars core runs out of oxygen?

Unless a star ts very old and very massive, it will not consume oxygen. Stars are powered by nuclear fusion, which fuses hydrogen into helium. When a star runs out of hydrogen at its core it expands into a red giant and starts fusing hydrogen in a shell around the core. If the star is not massive enough to fuse helium, then it will shed its outer layers and leave a helium while dwarf where the core was. If it is massive enough, it will fuse helium into heavier elements up to oxygen. Most stars to not make it past this stage. More massive stars, though fuse elements such as carbon and oxygen into neon, magnesium, and sulfur. If at any stage the star can fuse no more, the it sheds its outer layers and leaves behind a white dwarf. The exception is if the star makes it as far as fusing iron. If that happens the core will stop producing energy. The core will collapse into either a black hole or a neutron star and the rest of the star's mass will be blown away in a massive explosion called a supernova.

Related questions

How do stars get blasted off?

an expanding Shell of hydrogen gas envelop the core of the star which collapses ,it becomes a red giant. In more massive star with hotter core ,helium fuses to carbon,silicon or oxygen, synthesizing the heavier element .even more massive stars may burns iron generating a cooling effect . The core implodls and the outer layer of the stars are bloom away as a supernova

Where do neutron stars form?

Neutron stars could form in places where there are high-mass stars. After the star runs out of fuel in its core, the core collapses while the shell explodes into the space as supernova. The core would then become a neutron star, it might also become a black hole if it is massive enough.

When a stars core collapses does a giant explosion happen?

Yes, if the star is massive enough when the core collapses a supernova explosion happens.

Why only very massive stars can come from black holes?

The question really should be "why do black holes only come from very massive stars". A black hole is formed when a super massive star explodes as a supernova. The remains at the core would collapse and become a very high density body, so dense that light will not escape the surface.

What happens when a massive star cools and collapses?

Massive stars do not cool as they collapse, the collapse in on themselves because their cores become too heavy and dense, these atoms in the core are in an area so dense and so hot that it continues to increase its temperature as it explodes.

In stars more massive than the Sun fusion continues until the core is almost all?


How many core electrons in a silicon?

Silicon has a total of 10 core electrons and 4 valence electrons.

What may the collapsed core of a supergiant star form?

What the core of the star will become is dependent of the mass of the supergiant star. Stars between about 3 and 10 solar masses will generally become neutron stars. Stars above 10 solar masses generally become black holes.

Why do some stars become white dwarfs and others become neutron stars and black holes?

Actually if a star is medium or low mass is will run out of fuel and turn into a red giant, once the stars atmosphere slowly drifts away and the core is remaining it will eventually become a white dwarf For more massive stars it will turn in to a super giant the will cause a supernova, after the supernova the star can either a black hole or a neutron star

What is left when stars explode?

When smaller stars explode (like our Sun), they leave a nebula cloud by releasing their gas and they become a small but dense white dwarf star.When big stars explode (like Betelgeuse), they have a massive explosion called a supernova and the core of the star turns into a black hole or a pulsar.

Why do some stars end up as neutron stars?

Some stars end up as neutron stars because they exploded as a supernova and leaves a dense core behind. The strong gravity of the core compresses itself until protons and electrons are crushed into neutrons, this forms a neutron star. If the core is too massive, it would collapse into a black hole.

Massive stars life cycle?

Massive stars evolve in a similar way to small stars until it reaches its main sequence stage The stars shine steadily until the hydrogen has fused to form helium ( it takes billions of years in a small star, but only millions in a massive star). The massive star then becomes a Red Supergiant and starts of with a helium core surrounded by a shell of cooling, expanding gas. In the next million years a series of nuclear reactions occur forming different elements in shells around the iron core. The core collapses in less than a second, causing an explosion called a Supernova, in which a shock wave blows of the outer layers of the star. (The actual supernova shines brighter than the entire galaxy for a short time). Sometimes the core survives the explosion. If the surviving core is between 1.5 - 3 solar masses it contracts to become a a tiny, very dense Neutron Star. If the core is much greater than 3 solar masses, the core contracts to become a Black Hole. 1.nebula 2.protostar giant, then it expands in to a super giant 5.super nova 6.then it cools in to a black hole or a neutron star