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Unmanned probes from Earth can take from 7 months to two years to reach Mars, depending on when they are launched and how fast they can travel. The direct distance can vary from about 58 million kilometers to more than 400 million kilometers.

The distance is at least 36 million miles (58 million km).

So the minimum time would be:

At 70 MPH -- 56 years

At 500 MPH -- 8 years

At Mach 1 (0.34 km/sec) -- 5.4 years (5 years, 5 months)

At 40,000 MPH (fastest Voyager speed) -- 38 days

Manned Missions

The most commonly offered figure is "Six months there, and six months back". That is based on current (2012) technology, and there are currently no solid plans for a manned flight to Mars. By the time man does inevitably make a manned flight to Mars, there may be newer technologies in space travel that shorten the travel time.
The travel time to Mars would depend on the relative position of the planets in their orbits. The shortest time at closest approach, given current rocket propulsion, is about 7 to 8 months. This is the estimated transit time for the Mars probe of December, 2011.

It is possible to get there faster using more powerful rockets, but this would only reduce the time to 2 months at best (48 days at 30,000 mph). The round trip time could be 6 months or more, unless the mission waited for the next close alignment of the planets, which occurs every 26 months.
Travelling to mars can take anything form 3 to 9 months based upon 2 aspects. Firstly, it depends how far away Mars is away from Earth because as you already know, an obit is not completely circular, ; the pathway is more of an elliptical shape and the second point is how fast your space craft is going; the average speed a rocket or space shuttle can go is 7 miles per second.
Unmanned probes from Earth can take from 7 months to two years to reach Mars, depending on when they are launched and how fast they can travel. The direct distance can vary from about 58 million kilometers to more than 400 million kilometers.

The proposed NASA manned mission estimates about 200 days to reach Mars and 200 days to return. But one trip would take much longer unless the mission stayed on Mars for a year until the planets were again lined up in relation to their orbits. The actual yearly minimum distance is from 60 to 100 million kilometers.
Unmanned probes from Earth can take from 7 months to two years to reach Mars, depending on when they are launched and how fast they can travel. The direct distance can vary from about 58 million kilometers to more than 400 million kilometers.
The space probes launched to Mars take about 260 days (8 to 9 months) to reach Mars. Some high-speed transfer orbits could make the trip in as little as 130 days using current propulsion technology.
Depends on the propulsion. Under typical rocket power, upwards of 4 months if launched at the right time. With ion propulsion, it could take as little as 38 days to reach Mars.
It could take as little as 6 months or so. The most recent spacecraft to be sent there took 10 months (Pheonix), so its likely that a spacecraft carrying humans may go a little faster to limit the amount of time in space.
7 months if travelled by a satellite/space probe. But 3 years if done with someone actually in the rocket. .
Approximately 2 years one way.

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8y ago
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1mo ago

The time it takes to travel from Earth to Mars depends on several factors, including the positions of the two planets in their orbits. On average, it takes about 7 months to travel from Earth to Mars using current spacecraft technology.

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11y ago

The closest the Earth and Mars can ever be is about 45 million miles.

At that distance, it takes a radio signal about 4 minutes to cover the distance one-way.

At 62 million miles it takes 5 minutes 20 seconds.

Radio travels at speed of light 186,000 mps

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14y ago

The closest together that earth and Mars can ever be is about 48.6 million miles.

The farthest apart they can ever be is about 234.6 million miles.

The speed of radio is about 186,000 miles per second.

When the planets are closest together, it takes a radio signal about 4.3 minutes

to cover the distance.

When they're farthest apart, it takes about 21 minutes.

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12y ago

At the fastest speeds of current spacecraft, it could take as little as a month or as long as a year. It would depend on the relative positions of the Earth and Mars.

For comparison, the Mars Science Laboratory being launched in December 2011 should reach Mars 8 months later, in August of 2012.

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12y ago

Apparently it takes 500 years to get from earth to mars - i don't currently know if its right- -.-

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12y ago

Anywhere between 4 minutes and 20 minutes, depending on

where the two planets are in their respective orbits.

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13y ago

Lightspeed or Power Rangers?

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12y ago

Maybe one year...

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14y ago

3.1 minutes

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