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Area of the Earth's surface is 510 million km2, while the USA's area is 9.8 million km2

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Q: How many times earth is bigger than US?
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Earth is how many times bigger than moon?

the earth is 49 times biggerThe earth is 81.3 times more massive than the moon.The earth's circumference and diameter are 3.67 times bigger than the moon's.49.3 moons would fit in the earth. (assuming they are not restricted to any specific shape.)

Is Saturn more bigger than earth?

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How many times bigger is Uranus than Earth?

Uranus is over 4 times bigger than Earth in diameter, in mass over 14 times bigger, and volume over 63 times bigger than Earth.Data comes from NASA. See related links.Mass of Earth is 5.97 x 10^24 kg.Mass of Uranus is 86.8 x 10^24 kg.Diameter of Earth is 12,756 kilometers.Diameter of Uranus is 51,118 kilometers.

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What is twelve times bigger than earth?

The only thing I could think of an exoplanet about a size bigger than Jupiter because it is eleven times bigger than the Earth.