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It isn't. Jupiter is 11.2 times the size of Earth, while Neptune is 3.8 times the size of Earth. Jupiter is 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System combined.

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Q: How many times smaller than Jupiter is Neptune?
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Approximately how many times farther from the sun in neptune than jupiter?

What is the Earth smaller than?

The sun,jupiter,uranis,saturn,neptune and many other planets and stars in the universe. The sun,jupiter,uranis,saturn,neptune and many other planets and stars in the universe.

How many planets are bigger than Earth?

Pluto is not a planet so that would be Mercury is 13.72% smaller. Venus is 0.23% smaller. Mars is 9.42% smaller. So that means 3 planets are smaller than Earth.

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The planets that are smaller than Venus are: Jupiter, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn. Pluto is no longer on the list

How many times smaller is earth compared to Jupiter?

Jupiter's mass is 318 times that of Earth, but it's volume is 1321 times that of Earth.

How many times smaller is Pluto than Neptune?

About a factor of 21.5. One of Neptune's moons, Triton, is about 20% larger than Pluto.

How many Neptune's can fit into Jupiter?

None. Jupiter is larger than Saturn.

How many planets are bigger than Neptune?

Both Venus (12,104 km) and Earth (12,756 km) are larger than Mars (6,787 km) and smaller than Neptune (49,500 km).Sizes are equatorial diameters quoted from "The Solar System", Roman Smoluchowski, 1983, Scientific American Library, Page 164

How many planets have moon in our solar system?

Six - Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

How many brothers does the greek god Neptune have?

2. Jupiter and Pluto. BTW, Neptune is not a greek god, he is roman. The greek god for Neptune is Poseiden.

How many times farther than earth is neptune from the sun?

Neptune is almost four times as farther from the Sun than Jupiter. To put this into scale Jupiter is roughly five times further from the Sun than the Earth. Which means Neptune is almost twenty times further from the Sun than Earth is.

Which planets are larger then Earth?

In our solar system there are 4 planets larger than Earth, which are collectively known as the gas giants; these are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There are many other planets larger than Earth in other solar systems as well.