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The smaller diameter. Because the formula is G* m1 * m2 / r^2 . The gravity is negatively correlated with square of the distance between mass centers of the objects. When the distance increases the gravity decreases.

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Q: If two planets have the same mass but different diameters Which planet has the stronger gravity at its surface?
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It would depend on the mass of the planets. The surface gravity of a planet is directly proportional to its mass and inversely proportional to the square of its radius. If two planets have the same mass but different sizes, the smaller planet will have stronger gravity because the surface is closer to the center of mass. Conversely, if two planets are of the same size, the one with more mass will have stronger gravity. Since larger planets usually have more mass than smaller ones they usually have stronger gravity, though not always.

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It varies. It is stronger on some planets and weaker on others. The strength of gravity on any planet depends on its mass and diameter.

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Because different planets have different masses :)

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Than what?The surface gravity of Mars is lower than that of Earth, but higher than that of the Moon, if that helps.

Why a mass of 1 kg weighs a different amount if it is taken to different planets?

Different planets have different strengths of gravity.

List the planets whit gravity stronger than earth's?

Neptune-114% Jupiter-254%