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Acually venus is the hottest planet because venus's atmosphere is composed mainly of co2. because of this venus's atmosphere has a extreme green house effect were all of the solar radiation is trapped in venus's atmosphere.

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Q: If you could stand on all the planets in our solar system which on would be the hottest?
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The planets are part of the makup of the solar system. I guess you could say the sun provides light for the planets and gravety that holds them to the solar system.

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The Solar System is made up of the planets. It could not be smaller than the parts that make it up.

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9 P in the S S = 9 Planets in the Solar System

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There are nine planets in the solar system

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Our solar system is the planets

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Extra solar planets are planets that is outside of our solar system.

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Well, there are planets outside of the solar system, and there is one that is livable, but I don't know what it is called.

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There are eight planets and five dwarf planets in our solar system.

What are the sun and all the planets call as a group?

The Solar System. Multiple solar systems make up Galaxies.