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Q: Is There Any Possible Chances For Life on Mars?
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Is their any chance of life on Mars?

Sure. There could well be tiny organisms like bacteria or fungus on Mars. The chances of life on Mars increased when tiny outcrops of ice were found on photos several years ago.

Is there any proof that there really is life on Mars?

The topic of life on Mars has been one of hot debate lately with the recent Rover bot finding more "possible" signs of life on Mars. However, there is no definitive evidence that there is life on Mars.

Can Mars have life?

It is becoming more and more likely that life will exist on mars. This is because mars has many quality's that the earth has. It is possible, that in a a few million years (although this is not by any means definite) that life will fully exist on mars.

Is it possible that there is life on Ares?

Yes. it is possible that there is life on any or every planet, satellite, etc. out there. it just hasn't been proven that there is or isn't life on Mars, or any planetary object for that matter.

Does Mars have any humans or insects or plants on Mars?

No. There is no evidence of any life of Mars, certainly not multicellular life.

Is life possible on any other planet except earth?

It used to be. Scientists have found frozen water on Mars.

Does Mars have martens?

no, at least not that there is any evidence of them. so at the moment no, but there are signs of water on mars which points to chances of living organisms.

Is there any flowers on Mars?

As far as we know there is no life of any kind on Mars.

Why is the human-type life not possible on mars?

no water, weak greenhouse effect (if any, don't remember), too cold.

What is the smallest animal on Mars?

There are no animals on Mars. It is void of any life.

Is there any possibilities of surviving of a person in mars?

If you were to just put a person on Mars, then no. There is no oxygen on Mars, and oxygen is essential to human life. However, if there were buildings which could provide the oxygen, similar to a space station, and there is plenty of food, then yes it is possible for a human to survive on Mars.

Are there any marshins on mars?

As far as we know there are no life forms on the planet Mars.