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Absolute magnitude is based on an observer being at the same distance from any star.
Apparent magnitude is based on the brightness of a star from Earth without any atmosphere.

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No, a star's absolute magnitude is a measure of its intrinsic brightness regardless of its distance from the observer. It is a standardized measure that allows for comparison of the brightness of stars at a set distance.

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Q: Is a star's absolute magnitude dependent on its distance from the observer?
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What is a stars brightness as if it were a standard distance?

A star's brightness at a standard distance is referred to as its apparent magnitude. This standard distance is 10 parsecs (32.6 light-years) from Earth. Apparent magnitude allows astronomers to compare the brightness of stars as seen from Earth, regardless of their actual distance from us.

What do the terms luminosity and magnitude mean in describing stars?

Luminosity is the total amount of energy a star emits in a certain amount of time, while magnitude is a measure of a star's brightness as observed from Earth. Luminosity is an intrinsic property of a star, whereas magnitude is affected by the distance between the star and the observer. Lower magnitude values correspond to brighter stars.

Even though this star has an absolute magnitude greater then that of sirius it looks dimmer from earth since it's 100 times farther away?

Yes, the star with the higher absolute magnitude will appear dimmer from Earth if it is located farther away. This is because brightness decreases with distance due to the inverse square law of light, meaning that a star will appear dimmer the farther it is from the observer.

What word means how bright a star appears?

The word you are looking for is "apparent magnitude," which is a measure of how bright a star appears to an observer on Earth. It is based on the star's intrinsic brightness and its distance from Earth.

What is higher for closer stars A absolute magnitude B red shift C parallax D blue shift?

The answer would be C) Parallax.The Absolute Magnitude of a star is the star's actual brightness, and is therefore not dependent upon the position of the observer.Red Shift and Blue Shift are consequences of a stars speed relative to the observer. Again this is independent of the stars proximity to the observer.Parallax, is the apparent change in position based upon the motion of the observer, and is directly proportional to the proximity of the object. Just as, when driving on the road distant trees or buildings don't appear to zoom past you as quickly as a pedestrian on the side of the road, so it is with stars. The closer they are the larger the parallax is as the Earth orbits the Sun, for example.

Related questions

What is a stars brightness as if it were a standard distance?

A star's brightness at a standard distance is referred to as its apparent magnitude. This standard distance is 10 parsecs (32.6 light-years) from Earth. Apparent magnitude allows astronomers to compare the brightness of stars as seen from Earth, regardless of their actual distance from us.

What variable of apparent brightness is eliminated when discussing absolute brightness?

The variable of distance is eliminated when discussing absolute brightness. Absolute brightness specifically refers to the inherent brightness of an astronomical object without the influence of its distance from the observer.

What is it called when brightness is how bright a star seems or looks?

The brightness of a star to an observer on Earth is called it's Apparent Magnitude. The intrinsic brightness of a star is known as it's Absolute Magnitude.

What three things effect magnitude?

The three things that affect magnitude are the distance between the observer and the event, the intensity of the event itself, and the type of measurement scale used to quantify the magnitude (e.g., Richter scale for earthquakes).

At what distance would a supernova of absolute magnitude -20 look as bright as the sun?

A star with an absolute magnitude of -20 would need to be about 100 times brighter than the sun. Since brightness decreases with the square of the distance from the observer, the supernova would need to be roughly 10 times closer than the sun, so at a distance of about 15 million kilometers.

The true brightness of a star is called its BLANK magnitude?

The true brightness of a star is called its absolute magnitude. This is a measure of the star's intrinsic brightness, or how bright the star would appear if it were located 10 parsecs (about 32.6 light-years) away from the observer.

How can 2 stars of the same apparent magnitude could have different absolute magnitudes?

The less luminous one is closer to the observer, just as a candle in the same room can seem as bright as a sodium vapor lamp down the street.

What is the distance from the observer to the launch pad?

The distance is 500feet

What do the terms luminosity and magnitude mean in describing stars?

Luminosity is the total amount of energy a star emits in a certain amount of time, while magnitude is a measure of a star's brightness as observed from Earth. Luminosity is an intrinsic property of a star, whereas magnitude is affected by the distance between the star and the observer. Lower magnitude values correspond to brighter stars.

Even though this star has an absolute magnitude greater then that of sirius it looks dimmer from earth since it's 100 times farther away?

Yes, the star with the higher absolute magnitude will appear dimmer from Earth if it is located farther away. This is because brightness decreases with distance due to the inverse square law of light, meaning that a star will appear dimmer the farther it is from the observer.

What word means how bright a star appears?

The word you are looking for is "apparent magnitude," which is a measure of how bright a star appears to an observer on Earth. It is based on the star's intrinsic brightness and its distance from Earth.

What information can light reveal about stars?

How big, bright, far away, old, and how big our galaxy is, they teach us about how big our universe COULD be, how big our galaxy is, if there our new stars forming in our galaxy, and about *Quasars. They learn alot about space with star light, ecspecially because of alberts einsteins theory on the speed of light, or if you perfer *light years. *Quasars- Some scientists belive they are a beginning of a new galaxy, it takes over a billion years for the light to reach earth, it takes over 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach earth. * Light years is the amount of time it takes light to reach earth, or anywhere for example since takes 8 minutes for light to reach earth (this is inacerite) it might take is 20 minutes for light to reach mars or light years. (If all this confuses you leave a comment and I will simplify it for you.)