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Q: Light element found in most of the outer planets?
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What light element is found in most of the outer planets?


What is found between the inner planets in the outer planets?

An asteroid belt.

What are the outer planets named after?

scientists who found them

Did outer planets lose the light gases in their atmosphere?


Which gas is found in outer planets?

Hydrogen and Helium

Which planets was formed from the light gases of the outer nebula?


Are inner planets found at great distances from the sun?

yes, however as compared to the outer planets, no.

What is the source of all light in outer space?

The source of light in outer space varies. Light can be reflected off from the stars, moons, comets, asteroids and planets.

How do you know light can travel through outer space?

We receive light from the Sun, the planets, the stars.

Why are inner planets different than outer planets?

Inner planets. are inner & outer planets. are outer

How are outer planets different from outer planets?

its not different at all they are just outer planets

What are the two main gases found in the outer planets?

helium and hydroen