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Stellar classification is based on the analysis of light from stars. The temperature from the photosphere of the star effects the amount and types of ions and this is used classifying the star.

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The temperature of a star is closely related to its classification. Stars are classified based on their spectral type, which is determined by their temperature. Hotter stars have higher temperatures and are classified as O or B types, while cooler stars have lower temperatures and are classified as K or M types.

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Q: Relate the stellar temperature to the classification of a star?
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Yes. See the Wikipedia article on "Stellar classification". For example, a class "O" star (blue) has a surface temperature greater than 30,000 K, a class "A" star (white) has a surface temperature of 7,500 - 10,000 K, and a class "M" star (red) has a surface temperature of 2400-3700 K. (All temperatures use the absolute scale.)

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