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closer to the sun

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Q: Terrestrail planets move more rapidly in their orbits than the jovian planets because terrestrail planets are?
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What are some similarities of the inner and outer planets?

Inner and outer planets have some things that are in common but there mostly way different. For instants they both orbit the sun. On the other hand the outer planets are made mostly by gas, that's why they are called the gas giants. The inner planets are mostly made by rock and dust. The inner planets are called Terrestrial planets and the outer planets are called Jovian planets. The inner planets are closer to the sun, have more density, they have less moons, there about the size of Earth, and they rotate slowly. The outer planets (Jovian Planets) are farther from the sun, they have less density, they have more moons, they are large, about the size of Jupiter, they rotate rapidly, and they have more mass. These planets are alike because they both orbit the sun.

Do Jovian planets rotate faster than Terrestrial planets?

No. The length of a planet's year is determined by its distance from its sun. In our solar system all of the Jovian planets orbit farther from the sun than the terrestrial ones and therefore have longer years.

What is the fastest rotating gas planet?

Jupiter rotates on its axis most rapidly out of all eight of the planets, 9h 55m 30s for one full spin.

What could cause a planet to have a shorter day?

We use the word "day" to indicate the time between sunrises. On Earth, the "day" is 24 hours. Planets that rotate more rapidly have shorter days, while planets that rotate slowly have longer days.

How are planets farther from the sun different?

The "outer planets" (gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are more massive and spin faster than the inner planets. Although their distance from the Sun means they retained cold outer atmospheres, they would be larger even without these dense gaseous envelopes. The outer planets do not have to move as rapidly in their orbits to counteract the Sun's gravity, as this decreases with the orbital distance. During planetary formation, the protostellar disc would have clumped at the appropriate distance for its velocity. Given this lower speed, and the greater distance traveled, the outer planets take much longer to orbit the Sun than Earth.

Related questions

What planets rotates rapidly?

Jupiter at 9h 55 mins to make one turn, is the most rapidly turning out of all eight planets.

What planet rotates most rapidly?

Jupiter at 9h 55 mins to make one turn, is the most rapidly turning out of all eight planets.

Why was Mercury given it's name?

In Greek mythology, Mercury was the messanger of the Gods, moving rapidly from place to place performing his functions. The planet Mercury has been known to people from ancient times and appears to be the most rapidly moving of the planets. Since the planets were named for the gods, the connection with a rapidly moving god caused the planet to be named Mercury.

What are some similarities of the inner and outer planets?

Inner and outer planets have some things that are in common but there mostly way different. For instants they both orbit the sun. On the other hand the outer planets are made mostly by gas, that's why they are called the gas giants. The inner planets are mostly made by rock and dust. The inner planets are called Terrestrial planets and the outer planets are called Jovian planets. The inner planets are closer to the sun, have more density, they have less moons, there about the size of Earth, and they rotate slowly. The outer planets (Jovian Planets) are farther from the sun, they have less density, they have more moons, they are large, about the size of Jupiter, they rotate rapidly, and they have more mass. These planets are alike because they both orbit the sun.

What tense is rapidly?

Rapidly doesn't have a tense because it is an adverb and not a verb.

Why did the U.S become rapidly industrialized?

The U.S. was rapidly industrialized because Europeans wanted U.S. resources.

What planets has the fastest period rotation?

Jupiter - it has the shortest day and the fastest roational speed

Differentiate Jovian planet from terrestrial planet?

The four Jovian planets in our solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The four terrestrial planets are Earth, Venus, Mars and Mercury. The difference between the Jovian planets and the terrestrial planets is that Jovian planets are enormous and made of gasses and ices while terrestrial planets are relatively small and made of rocks and metals. Other differences are that terrestrial planets have high densities, rotate slowly, have no moons or magnetic fields and have thin atmospheres (Earth is an exception because it has a moon and a magnetic field), while Jovian planets have low densities, rotate rapidly, have many moons and a magnetic field and have thick atmospheres.

Do Jovian planets rotate faster than Terrestrial planets?

No. The length of a planet's year is determined by its distance from its sun. In our solar system all of the Jovian planets orbit farther from the sun than the terrestrial ones and therefore have longer years.

Which planet rotates rapidly?

Jupiter rotates on its axis most rapidly out of all of the planets, 9h 55m 30s for one full spin. Haumea is a small dwarf planet, it rotates once in only 3h 54m 56s

Which planet rotate most rapidly?

The planet Jupiter is the largest of the 8 major planets and rotates the most rapidly. Depending on the latitude observed, a complete rotation only takes between 9.8 and 9.9 Earth hours.

How do viruses reproduce rapidly?

Because of their ability to undergo _____, viruses can rapidly evolve.