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Q: The visible part of distant galaxies is the galaxies'?
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Related questions

The visible part of distant galaxies is the galaxies what?

The "nucleus".

Are quasars part of your solar system?

No. Quasars are at the centers of distant galaxies.

When the ultraviolet light from hot stars in very distant galaxies finally reaches us what form does it reach the Earth in?

visible light

Why do scientists study distant galaxies to learn about galaxies?

cuz they are explorers

Why do scientist study the light coming from distant galaxies?

They study distant galaxies because they want to know whats out in other galaxies and how many planets it has

Quasars are thought to be the center of distant?


The fact that the light from distant galaxies is red-shifted suggests that the galaxies are?

Moving away from us

How do the distant galaxies ussually move?

Away from us.

Why is spring one of the best seasons to observe distant galaxies?

Because in the spring, the night sky is pointed out of the Milky Way and therefore it is easier to see distant galaxies.

What is true in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

The number of stars, as in distant "suns", are large. In our solar system, there is one star. In our galaxy, there are many, many stars. In all the visible galaxies, the number is yet larger. And what about all the presumed galaxies beyond our vision?

Where is the distant galaxy?

There are distant galaxies all around us - in all directions, and at varying distances.

Scientists believe that the more distant galaxies formed?

the answer is "first".