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It could be an asteroid or comet.

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an asteroid

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Q: What If a piece of space debris is too large to be a meteoroid and too small to be a planet it could be?
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What is the large gaseous planet with the famous rings around it?

The large gaseous planet with the famous rings around it is Saturn. Its rings are composed of ice particles and debris, making it a unique and stunning feature of the planet.

What is the difference between a planet and a planetoid?

A planet is a celestial body that orbits a star, has cleared its orbit of other debris, and is large enough to be round due to its own gravity. A planetoid, also known as a dwarf planet, is similar to a planet but has not cleared its orbit of other debris and is not as massive as a planet.

What are the rules for a planet not to be considered a planet?

A celestial body is not considered a planet if it has not cleared its orbit of other debris, such as asteroids and smaller bodies, with its gravity. Additionally, if it orbits a star but is not the dominant object in its orbit, it may not be classified as a planet.

What determines a planet?

A planet is a celestial body that orbits around a star, is large enough to have its own gravity to form a spherical shape, and has cleared its orbit of other debris. These criteria are set by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) for an object to be classified as a planet.

What object do you need to make a planet?

To make a planet, you would need a large amount of matter gravitationally bound together, typically in the form of gases, dust, and debris. These materials would need to come together through processes like accretion and gravitational attraction, eventually forming a spherical body that orbits a star.

Related questions

If a piece of space debris is too large to be a meteoroid and too small to be a planet it could be .?

an asteroid

What piece of space debris is too large to be a meteoroid and too small to be a planet it could be .?

It could be an asteroid or comet.

What refers to celestial objects that resemble large chunks of rock and debris?


What does meteroides mean?

A meteoroid is a debris particle in the Solar System that can range in size from the size of a grain of sand to that of a large boulder. A meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere via a visible path referred to as a meteor, and if the meteoroid reaches ground level and survives the impact, it is termed a meteorite.

What are two things that may happen when a meteoroid moves through a planet's atmosphere?

When a meteoroid moves through a planet's atmosphere, it can heat up and vaporize due to friction with the air, creating a bright streak known as a meteor or shooting star. If the meteoroid is large enough to survive the entry, it may reach the planet's surface as a meteorite.

What is the large gaseous planet with the famous rings around it?

The large gaseous planet with the famous rings around it is Saturn. Its rings are composed of ice particles and debris, making it a unique and stunning feature of the planet.

What would Pluto have to do in order to become a planet?

In order to be considered a planet, Pluto would have to clear its orbital path of debris. Pluto is not large enough to do this, so it was reclassified as a dwarf planet.

What must a planet be larger than to be a true planet?

A planet must be large enough for its gravity to pull it into a nearly round shape. In our solar system, a planet needs to have cleared its orbit of other debris to be considered a true planet.

What happens to a meteoroid in order for it to become a meteoroid?

A meteoroid that survives its passage through Earth's atmosphere becomes a meteorite. It must be both large and dense. I hope it is useful for you.

When a large object collided with earth debris from the collision was ejected into orbit and initially formed?

When a large object collides with Earth, debris is ejected into orbit and can initially form a debris field or a ring system around the planet. Over time, this debris can combine and accrete to form moons, such as how our own Moon is believed to have formed from debris generated by a collision with a Mars-sized object early in Earth's history.

What is the period of revolving around the sun of a meteoroid?

How long does it take a meteoroid to rotate around the sun? Is this what you mean to ask? This is a hard question because if you notice, there is an asteroid belt orbiting around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. Saturn's rings are made of of frozen gases. There is another asteroid belt on the outer part of our Solar System and Pluto was thought to be a Planet ended up to be a very large addition to this belt. Meteors rotate around the sun at different times. Meteoroids are what they are called before they reach the Earth's Atmosphere. Then they are called meteorites when they hit the atmosphere of Earth. Have you ever heard of Meteor Crater? meteoroid is interplanetary debris. before they enter a planet's atmosphere meteorite is interplanetary debris after it or they enter the atmosphere. These meteorites can be so big that they can hit the Earth. We have meteorites burn up in our atmosphere daily and they are also known as a "falling star" MGills Thank you for the spell check, who ever you are.

What makes Uranus a planet?

It orbits the sun. It is large enough to form into a sphere (not difficult for a gas/ice giant). It has cleared its orbit of debris.