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Pluto by: Dominic straquadine

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Venus rotates the slowest out of all the planets in our solar system. It has an extremely slow rotation, taking about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation on its axis.

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Q: What Planet rotates the slowest out of all the Jovian planets?
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What planet of the jovian planets does not have rings?

Uranus is the planet out of the Jovian planets that does not have rings.

Which planet rotates the slowest?

Venus rotates the slowest among the planets in our solar system, taking about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation. Additionally, Venus rotates in the opposite direction to its orbit around the Sun, making it unique compared to the other planets.

What planet rotates slower than the other planets?

I believe the rotation of Venus is slowest, within our Solar System.

Is venus jovian or terrestrial?

Venus is a terrestrial planet, not a jovian planet. Terrestrial planets are rocky and have solid surfaces, while jovian planets are gas giants.

Is Mercury jovain?

Mercury is not a jovian planet because all planets after Jupiter and Jupiter are all jovian planets. So Jupiter, Saturn , Uranus , Neptune and the poor old Pluto that was booted from the planets are all jovian.

What jovian planet is closest to the sun?

Jupiter is the closest jovian planet to the sun in our solar system.

Is the average density of terrestrial planets the same density as Jovian planet?

No. Terrestrial planets are much denser than Jovian planets.

What is an example jovian planet?

An example of a Jovian planet is Jupiter. Jovian planets are large, gaseous planets residing in the outer regions of our solar system. They typically have thick atmospheres and lack solid surfaces.

Is Mercury a Terrestrial Planet or a Jovian planet?

Mercury is a terrestrial planet, not a Jovian planet. Terrestrial planets are rocky and have solid surfaces, while Jovian planets are gas giants composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.

Does Saturn have night and day?

Yes it does. Saturn, like the inner planets and Jovian planets, rotates. Astronomers discovered the Planet Saturn has a full solar day of 10 hours and 47 minutes.

What two Jovian Planets have no moons?

'Jovian' is the adjective for 'Jupiter'. The planet, Jupiter, is known to have several moons.

Which objects are also called gas giants?

Another name for gaseous planets is Jovian planet meaning Jupiter like.