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A force of gravitational attraction exists between earth and every other material body in the universe. But the force of attraction toward the sun is so much larger than any of the others that all others may be approximately neglected in comparison, and there is only one significant force acting on the planet --- the gravitational attraction toward the sun.

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Answer:Weather-Climate and Natural Forces.

weathering and erosion

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Centrifugal force and gravitational pull from the sun

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Convection and Gravity

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Gravitational and magnetic forces.

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Q: What are the two forces that keep the earth on this path?
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What two forces keep the moon and all other satellites in orbit around earth?

Gravity and inertia are the two forces that keep the moon and other satellites in orbit around Earth. Gravity pulls the moon towards Earth, while the moon's inertia keeps it moving forward in a curved path, resulting in a stable orbit.

What is the two things that keep the earth in its orbit around the sun?

The two things that keep the Earth in its orbit around the Sun are the gravitational pull of the Sun, which creates a centripetal force that keeps the Earth moving in a curved path, and the inertia of the Earth, which causes it to continue moving in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. Together, these two forces balance each other to maintain the Earth's orbit.

What two tectonic forces keep the earth the same size?

The tectonic forces that keep the Earth the same size are convergent and divergent forces. Convergent forces occur when tectonic plates collide and are balanced by divergent forces, which happen when plates move apart. The Earth maintains its overall size by the balance between these two opposing forces.

What 2 things keep something in orbit around the earth?

The two things that keep something in orbit around Earth are the object's velocity, which must be high enough to counteract gravity and maintain a stable path, and the gravitational pull of Earth, which pulls the object towards the planet's center. Both factors work together to keep the object moving in a circular or elliptical path around Earth.

Why does the moon circle the earth?

The moon circles the earth due to gravitational forces. The gravitational pull between the earth and the moon causes the moon to orbit around the earth, following an elliptical path.

Related questions

What two forces keep the moon and all other satellites in orbit around earth?

Gravity and inertia are the two forces that keep the moon and other satellites in orbit around Earth. Gravity pulls the moon towards Earth, while the moon's inertia keeps it moving forward in a curved path, resulting in a stable orbit.

What two forces keep earth in a constant path around the sun?

Only one force: the Sun's gravity. The centrifugal force is sometimes quoted as an opposing force, but it is actually a ficticious force. If there were really two opposing and equal forces, Earth would move in a straight line, not in an elipse.

What is the two things that keep the earth in its orbit around the sun?

The two things that keep the Earth in its orbit around the Sun are the gravitational pull of the Sun, which creates a centripetal force that keeps the Earth moving in a curved path, and the inertia of the Earth, which causes it to continue moving in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. Together, these two forces balance each other to maintain the Earth's orbit.

What 2 forces pull on planet earth creating an orbital path around the sun?

The two forces that pull on planet Earth to create its orbital path around the Sun are gravity and inertia. Gravity is the force that attracts the Earth towards the Sun, while inertia is the tendency of Earth to continue moving in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force, in this case, the gravitational pull of the Sun.

What two opposing forces keep the moon from orbiting?

None. The moon orbits the Earth, Earth orbits the Sun. Inertia and the gravity keep the moon in the Earth's orbit.

What two tectonic forces keep the earth the same size?

The tectonic forces that keep the Earth the same size are convergent and divergent forces. Convergent forces occur when tectonic plates collide and are balanced by divergent forces, which happen when plates move apart. The Earth maintains its overall size by the balance between these two opposing forces.

What 2 things keep something in orbit around the earth?

The two things that keep something in orbit around Earth are the object's velocity, which must be high enough to counteract gravity and maintain a stable path, and the gravitational pull of Earth, which pulls the object towards the planet's center. Both factors work together to keep the object moving in a circular or elliptical path around Earth.

What are two forces acting on a book?

Two forces acting on a book are gravity pulling it downwards towards the Earth and the normal force exerted by the surface it is resting on that pushes back against gravity to keep the book stationary.

What two forces that affect an object in circular motion?

The two forces that affect an object in circular motion are centripetal force, which acts towards the center of the circular path and keeps the object moving in a curved path, and centrifugal force, which is a fictitious force that appears to act outwards on the object but is actually a result of inertia trying to keep the object moving in a straight line.

Why does the moon circle the earth?

The moon circles the earth due to gravitational forces. The gravitational pull between the earth and the moon causes the moon to orbit around the earth, following an elliptical path.

Is the sun moving closer to the earth?

No, the sun is not moving closer to the Earth. The distance between the Earth and the sun remains relatively constant due to gravitational forces that keep the two bodies in their respective orbits.

What are two components of all forces?

Two components of all forces are magnitude, which indicates the strength of the force, and direction, which specifies the path along which the force acts.