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During the few billion years following the appearance of cyanobacteria, oxygen became a major gas in Earth's atmosphere. The ozone layer in the stratosphere also began to develop, shielding Earth from ultraviolet rays. These major changes in the air allowed species of single-celled organisms to evolve into more complex organisms.

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Oxygen and protection of the ozone layer are changes that were necessary in Earth's atmosphere to allow complex organisms to evolve.

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Q: What changes were necessary in earth's atmosphere to allow complex organisms to evolove?
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Is Mars inhabitable?

Not by any really complex organisms but I believe some bacteria or something around the polar ice caps

What phenomenon is sometimes reffered to as the nortern lights?

Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights occur when solar activity ejects a cloud of gas. When the cloud of gas hits Earth's magnetic field, it causes complex changes to the magnetic field, These changes generate currents of charged particles, which then flow along lines of magnetic force into the Polar Regions. These particles are boosted in energy in Earth's upper atmosphere, and when they collide with oxygen and nitrogen atoms, they produce dazzling auroral light.

How can I break a rock on the moon?

Breaking a rock on the moon is a complex process due to the moon's lack of atmosphere, water, and tectonic activity. To break a rock on the moon, you will need to bring the necessary tools and equipment with you. Here are the required steps: Bring a hammer to the moon - You will need to bring a hammer that can withstand the temperatures on the moon. Wear protective gear - You will need to wear a space suit or other protective gear to protect yourself from the extreme temperatures and lack of atmosphere. Position the hammer - Position the hammer where you want the rock to be broken and make sure it is secure. Strike the rock - Use the hammer to strike the rock with enough force to break it.Breaking a rock on the moon is a difficult process, but with the right tools and equipment, it can be done. Make sure to take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself and the environment.

What type of organism initially added oxygen to earth's atmosphere?

Photosythetic, marine prokaryotes likes today's cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Fossil stromatolites, like in Shark Bay, Australia, are colonial cyanobacteria. The Earth's atmosphere originally contained no free oxygen (minerals like pyrite that cannot form in the presence of oxygen are common in rock layers from this time), so the first life on Earth must have been anaerobic (oxygen is toxic to them) Bacteria or Archea. Some of these simple organisms were photosynthetic, which means they gave off oxygen as a waste product. As these organisms multiplied, the amount of free oxygen began to accumulate. First this free oxygen reacted with the iron and other metals in the oceans to make iron oxides (rust) which precipitated out of the oceans to form alternating layers of rust THOUSANDS of meters thick, called Banded Iron Formations. When the oxygen in the oceans had rusted out all of the metals, free oxygen began accumulating in the atmosphere. Free oxygen (O2) reacts with ultraviolet radiation from the sun to form ozone (O3), which shields the planet from harmful UV radiation. The abundant atmospheric oxygen is thought to have allowed for the evolution of the complex cells of Eukaryotes like us!

What are two types of moon craters?

Complex and Simple.

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The development of chloroplasts led to the oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere, which allowed the evolution of more complex oxygen-breathing organisms.

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the ozone layer began to develop shielding earth from ultraviolet rays, this was hypothesized that these changes allowed species of single celled organisms to evolve into more complexed organisms

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What event occured that allowed single celled organisms to evolve into more complex organisms at the end of the precambrian time?

the ozone layer began to develop shielding earth from ultraviolet rays, this was hypothesized that these changes allowed species of single celled organisms to evolve into more complexed organisms

What event occurred that allowed single-celled organisms to evolve into more complex organisms at the end of the Precambrian time?

the ozone layer began to develop shielding earth from ultraviolet rays, this was hypothesized that these changes allowed species of single celled organisms to evolve into more complexed organisms

What events occured that allowed single celled organisms to evolve into more complex organisms at the end of the precambrian time?

the ozone layer began to develop shielding earth from ultraviolet rays, this was hypothesized that these changes allowed species of single celled organisms to evolve into more complexed organisms