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How high it is tells you its intrinsic brightness (i.e. its brightness after allowing for distance). How far to the left it is tells you how hot it is at the surface.

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Q: What does a star's position in the main sequence tell you about the star?
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What types of stars are main sequence stars?

Any star that it fusing hydrogen into helium is classed as a main sequence star.

About 90 of all stars are what kinds of stars?

main sequence stars , our sun is also a main sequence star

What kind of stars are 90 of all Stars?

main sequence stars , our sun is also a main sequence star

Which main sequence stars are most massive?

Most stars in the universe today are main sequence stars. Sirius A is the brightest star in the nighttime sky. The sun is the most massive main sequence star in the universe today.

What is the step after main sequence in a stars life?

After the main sequence, a star becomes a red giant.

What one is bigger a white dwarf or a main sequence star?

Main sequence stars are bigger.

What does the main sequence stars on the hr diagram represent?

Based on initial size and chemical composition a star will enter a band on the HR diagram as a mains sequence star. Stars on the main sequence are in equilibrium from thermal pressure trying to enlarge the star and gravitational pressure trying to collapse the star. Stars on the main sequence range from massive hot blue-white stars to much less massive red stars.

What is the nearest star in the main sequence is?

Most stars are on the main sequence; that includes red dwarves. Specifically, in this case, the closest known star - Proxima Centauri - is also the closest main-sequence star.

What do all stars in main sequence have in common?

main sequence stars all are burning though fuel at asteadyrate in there cores. with the proton+proton chain our sun is a main sequence star

Main sequence stars are also called stars?

A "main sequence star" is not really a type of star but a period in a stars life. When a star is in "main sequence" it is converting hydrogen into helium. It is then usually called a dwarf star. This is the longest period in a stars lifetime. Our Sun is a yellow dwarf in "main sequence".

What will burn through its fuel first a main sequence star or a super giant?

Main sequence stars do not really exist - well they do, but read on. Main sequence is a stage in a stars life - where it converts hydrogen into energy, not a particular star or type of star. All stars go through a main sequence, from the smallest to the largest.However, in general, the larger the star, the faster it will burn off it's fuel.

What stars have left the main sequence?

The main sequence stars are stars that fuse hydrogen, so the stars that have left the main sequence are the ones that have basically run out of hydrogen. They are the Red Giant stars, Supergiant stars and White Dwarf stars.